From antiquity down to the modern era, philosophers, political scientists, and jurists have always recognized the imperatives of constitutionalism1 and the difficulties of attaining it. For …
A Cook, J Sarkin - Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs., 2010 - HeinOnline
454~ TRANsNA TioNAL LA w & CONTEMPORAR Y PR OBLEMS [o. 1: 5 former African head of state who has served within the limits set by the domestic constitution and has left …
The death of Botswana's last founding father, Sir Ketumile Quett Masire, in June 2017, marked the end of an era. Since the release of the Fourth Edition of Historical Dictionary of …
M Carbone - Journal of Civil Society, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates the role of civil society in Botswana within the broader context of the state–civil society dynamic in Africa. It is argued that, like other countries in Africa, civil …
M Sobacı, Ö Köseoğlu - Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2016 -
Kamu yönetiminin hukuka ve hakkaniyete uygun hareket etmesini sağlamak, katılımı teşvik etmek ve devlet-vatandaş ilişkilerini iyileştirmek ombudsmanın temel görevleri arasındadır …
Development and the State in the 21st Century provides a comprehensive analysis of the state's role in contemporary development. The book examines the challenges that states …
Z SOBACI, Y KÖSEOĞLU - … İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014 -
Günümüzde, ombudsman kurumu insan haklarını korumanın, demokrasiyi güçlendirmenin ve kamu yönetiminin iyileştirilmesinin bir aracı olarak görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte, bir …
Botswana has been dubbed an “African miracle.” The country has been praised not only for maintaining a multiparty system and high growth rates since independence but also for its …