Strained-semiconductor-on-insulator device structures

TA Langdo, MT Currie, R Hammond… - US Patent …, 2006 - Google Patents
US6995430B2 - Strained-semiconductor-on-insulator device structures - Google Patents
US6995430B2 - Strained-semiconductor-on-insulator device structures - Google Patents …

Display device and method for manufacturing the same

Y Yoshida, A Shimomura, S Yurika - US Patent 8,431,451, 2013 - Google Patents
2004.0056332 A1 3, 2004 Bachrach et all 2008/0318367 A1 12/2008 Shimomura et al.
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Methods of forming strained-semiconductor-on-insulator finFET device structures

AJ Lochtefeld, TA Langdo, R Hammond… - US Patent …, 2006 - Google Patents
5,166,084 A 11, 1992 Pfester 6,033,995 A 3, 2000 Muller 5,177,583 A 1/1993 Endo et al.
6,058,044 A 5/2000 Sugiura et al. 5,202,284 A 4, 1993 Kamins et al. 6,059,895 A 5, 2000 …

Hybrid fin field-effect transistor structures and related methods

MT Currie - US Patent 8,183,627, 2012 - Google Patents
5,310,451 5,316,958 5,346,848 5,374,564 5,399,522 5,413,679 5,424,243 5.426, 069
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Control of strain in device layers by prevention of relaxation

MT Currie - US Patent 7,335,545, 2008 - Google Patents
US7335545B2 - Control of strain in device layers by prevention of relaxation - Google Patents
US7335545B2 - Control of strain in device layers by prevention of relaxation - Google Patents …

Control of strain in device layers by selective relaxation

MT Currie - US Patent 7,307,273, 2007 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,096,590 A 8, 2000 Chan et al. 6,103,559 A 8, 2000 Gardner et
al. 5,212,110 A 5, 1993 Pfiester et al. 6,103,597 A 8/2000 Aspar et al. 5,221,413 A 6, 1993 …

Hybrid semiconductor-on-insulator structures and related methods

M Currie - US Patent App. 11/000,566, 2006 - Google Patents
US20060113603A1 - Hybrid semiconductor-on-insulator structures and related methods -
Google Patents US20060113603A1 - Hybrid semiconductor-on-insulator structures and related …

Methods for fabricating strained layers on semiconductor substrates

E Fitzgerald, M Currie - US Patent 7,060,632, 2006 - Google Patents
Methods for fabricating multi-layer semiconductor struc tures including strained material
layers using a minimum number of process tools and under conditions optimized for each …

Hybrid fin field-effect transistor structures and related methods

M Currie - US Patent App. 11/001,166, 2006 - Google Patents
US20060113605A1 - Hybrid fin field-effect transistor structures and related methods -
Google Patents US20060113605A1 - Hybrid fin field-effect transistor structures and related …

Strained-semiconductor-on-insulator finFET device structures

TA Langdo, MT Currie, G Braithwaite… - US Patent …, 2006 - Google Patents
US7109516B2 - Strained-semiconductor-on-insulator finFET device structures - Google
Patents US7109516B2 - Strained-semiconductor-on-insulator finFET device structures …