Attachment and reflective functioning in children with somatic symptom disorders and disruptive behavior disorders

F Bizzi, K Ensink, JL Borelli, SC Mora… - European Child & …, 2019 - Springer
Our goal in conducting this study was to examine whether children with somatic symptom
disorders (SSD) and disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) have higher rates of insecure or …

Parental psychological control and aggression in youth: Moderating effect of emotion dysregulation

JB Blossom, PJ Fite, AL Frazer, JL Cooley… - Journal of Applied …, 2016 - Elsevier
Previous research shows that parent psychological control and child emotion dysregulation
are both associated with the development of aggression in children. This longitudinal study …

Peer power! Secure peer attachment mediates the effect of parental attachment on depressive withdrawal of teenagers

S Muzi, G Rogier, CS Pace - … journal of environmental research and public …, 2022 -
Adolescents' depressive social withdrawal is a relevant concern for mental health
professionals, and it is widespread among community teenagers in form of subclinical …

[HTML][HTML] Intrusiveness and emotional manipulation as facets of parental psychological control: A culturally and developmentally sensitive reconceptualization

SY Choe, B Laursen, CSL Cheah, LJ Lengua… - Human …, 2023 -
Over 750 studies have examined parental psychological control (PPC) in different cultures.
However, the conceptualization of PPC remains unclear, and operationalizations of PPC …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence: does gender make a difference?

AP Matos, MC Salvador, JJ Costa… - … Journal of Social …, 2017 -
Externalizing problems arising during adolescence are usually associated with the
experience of negative feelings. During this developmental stage, internalizing symptoms …

The relationship between mother's parenting patterns and aggressive behavior of adolescent son in risk environments

Y Setiawati, K Miranti… - EurAsian Journal of …, 2020 -
Background: Adolescence is the development phase of the transition from child to
adulthood. Harsh maternal parenting, demands for a lot of attention, and acts of omission …

[PDF][PDF] Prácticas de crianza y trastornos psicológicos en adolescentes colombianos

APR Puentes, MRC Arboleda - Behavioral Psychology …, 2017 -
Este trabajo analizó el efecto que tiene sobre los trastornos psicológicos de los hijos su
percepción de las prácticas de crianza, teniendo en cuenta el sexo de los padres y de los …

Práticas parentais educativas na interação social mães-filhos

AT Bolsoni-Silva - Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamental e …, 2017 -
O estudo das interações mães-filhos favorece a elaboração de intervenções eficazes. O
objetivo é o de descrever, comparar e correlacionar interações sociais estabelecidas entre …

La separación y su relación con los tipos de apego

ÁAB Juárez, SG de León Aburto… - PsicoEducativa …, 2019 -
Se investigó si el tipo de conducta de apego presentado de entre 1 y 3 años de edad es
acorde a las definiciones de Ainsworth y Main; En el 50% de los participantes, cuando la …

[PDF][PDF] Relação entre práticas parentais e problemas de externalização e internalização: papel mediador do vínculo do apego

SAN Nunes, AMF de Oliveira, ML Vieira… - … em Psicologia (Online …, 2016 -
Os problemas emocionais e comportamentais infantis têm sido alvo de crescente
investigação devido a sua alta estabilidade e por precederem os transtornos …