In humans, individuals' social setting determines which and how language is acquired. Social seclusion experiments show that sociality also guides vocal development in …
Recent studies identify a surprising coupling between evolutionarily new sulci and the functional organization of human posteromedial cortex (PMC). Yet, no study has compared …
Abstract Language does not fossilize but this does not mean that the language's evolutionary timeline is lost forever. Great apes provide a window back in time on our last …
Handedness, one of the most prominent expressions of laterality, has been historically considered unique to human. This noteworthy feature relates to contralateral inter …
Dance is an icon of human expression. Despite astounding diversity around the world's cultures and dazzling abundance of reminiscent animal systems, the evolution of dance in …
Individual differences in sulcal variation within the anterior and mid-cingulate cortex of the human brain, particularly the presence or absence of a paracingulate sulcus (PCGS), are …
WD Hopkins - Progress in brain research, 2018 - Elsevier
Most humans report preferring the right hand for a variety of manual actions. Additionally, most humans perform motor tasks better with their right hand, particularly among right …
AR Lameira, RW Shumaker - Scientific Reports, 2019 -
Active voicing–voluntary control over vocal fold oscillation–is essential for speech. Nonhuman great apes can learn new consonant-and vowel-like calls, but active voicing by …
Mutual eye gaze plays an important role in primate social development and communication. In the current study, we examined the underlying experiential, genetic, and neuroanatomical …