Klasifikasi Judul Berita Clickbait menggunakan RNN-LSTM

W Afandi, SN Saputro… - Jurnal Informatika …, 2022 - ejournal.poltekharber.ac.id
Abstrak− Berita online telah menjadi gaya hidup di era saat ini. Berita online telah merubah
cara lama masyarakat dalam mencari dan memperoleh informasi berita yang dulunya dari …

Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Kandidat Calon Presiden Berdasarkan Tweets Di Sosial Media Menggunakan Naive Bayes Classifier

AR Abdillah, FN Hasan - SMATIKA JURNAL: STIKI Informatika …, 2023 - snatika.stiki.ac.id
Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sentimen rakyat Indonesia tentang para kandidat presiden
yang kemungkinan akan maju di pilpres tahun 2024 dari tweet pada aplikasi twitter. Tweet …

Deteksi Komentar Cyberbullying pada Media Sosial Instagram Menggunakan Algoritma Random Forest

H Santoso, RA Putri, S Sahbandi - Jurnal Manajemen Informatika …, 2023 - ojs.unikom.ac.id
Cyberbullying adalah fenomena di media sosial dengan menggunakan perangkat teknologi
untuk menghina, merendahkan, dan tidak menghargai orang lain. Hal ini dapat …

Hoax Detection on Social Media with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)

M Benedict, EB Setiawan - 2023 11th International Conference …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Hoax news has long been a problem for society that is quite worrying because receiving
hoax news can change a person's point of view to something that is not good, the impact of …

Analysis Knowledge of PJKR Student Scientific Journal Articles

N Novita, N Nurkadri, H Nugraha - Jurnal Maenpo: Jurnal …, 2022 - jurnal.unsur.ac.id
In this era of globalization, the education system is an important matter that needs special
attention, one of which is in Indonesia. This era of globalization also requires the ability that …

Model Deteksi Berita Palsu Menggunakan Pendekatan Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM)

A Muzakir, U Suriani - Journal of Computer and Information …, 2023 - journal-computing.org
Isu berita palsu telah menarik perhatian masyarakat dan akademisi. Penyebaran informasi
yang tidak akurat berpotensi mengubah pandangan publik dan memungkinkan manipulasi …

Hoax news identification using machine learning model from online media in Bahasa Indonesia

IYR Pratiwi, AF Nugraha - Matrix: Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan …, 2022 - ojs2.pnb.ac.id
Abstract Information and communication technology that's developing is one of the main
triggers of the information explosion today. Nowadays, various news content is not only easy …

Deteksi Berita Hoax dengan Perbandingan Website Menggunakan Pendekatan Deep Learning Algoritma BERT

A Ripa'i, F Santoso, F Lazim - G-Tech: Jurnal …, 2024 - ejournal.uniramalang.ac.id
Hoax news is false and misleading information that can cause provocation and hatred for
readers. With easy internet access, the spread of hoax news is getting more massive …

[PDF][PDF] Genetic Algorithm and GloVe for Information Credibility Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks on Social Media Twitter (X)

ANI Ramadhani, EB Setiawan - Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro …, 2024 - eprints.uad.ac.id
Social media, especially X, has become a key source of information for many individuals, but
the level of trust in the information spread on these platforms is a critical issue. To overcome …

Fake News (Hoaxes) Detection on Twitter Social Media Content through Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Method

FR Tama, Y Sibaroni - JINAV: Journal of Information and Visualization, 2023 - sainsmat.org
The use of social media is very influential for the community. Users can easily post various
activities in the form of text, photos, and videos in social media. Information on social media …