M Uyar - First World War Studies, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The Gallipoli campaign occupies an important place in modern Turkish history, a position reinforced by the release of new publications and the construction of additional monuments …
The Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey was the site of one of the most tragic and memorable battles of the twentieth century, with the Turks fighting the ANZAC (Australian New Zealand …
A Frayn - Modernist Cultures, 2017 - euppublishing.com
Since the centenary of the declaration of the First World War in August 2014, there has been a renewed focus on its meaning in the twenty-first century. The initial response in 2014 was …
During the early republican period, architectural interventions in rural Turkey took the form of social engineering as part of the state's modernization and nationalization policies. Özge …
This study investigates how societies choose to remember'modern'wars and utilize those memories for political and cultural purposes. Therefore, this study encompasses various …
In 1915–18, ANZAC and Ottoman soldiers clashed on numerous battlefields, from Gallipoli to Jerusalem. This illustrated study investigates the two sides' fighting men. The Gallipoli …
Abstract Edirnekapı Martyrs' Cemetery (Edirnekapı Şehitliği, 1926), which is located in one of the oldest and largest cemeteries of Istanbul, contains the graves of mainly Muslim …
In terms of the British Army in the Great War, the study of whether or how the army learned has become the dominant historiographical theme in the past thirty years. Previous studies …
M Işık, Ş Eşitti - Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
İlk sayısı Kasım 1915'te yayımlanan Harp Mecmuası, I. Dünya Savaşı yıllarında Osmanlı propagandasının başlıca araçlarından birisi olmuştur. Osmanlı Devleti'nin görsel …