The" chemical imbalance" explanation for depression: Origins, lay endorsement, and clinical implications.

CM France, PH Lysaker… - … Psychology: Research and …, 2007 -
When a client asks whether her or his depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, how
do you respond? Depression is regularly depicted in popular media as resulting from a" …

Perception of homosexuality among Turkish university students: The roles of labels, gender, and prior contact

OC Çirakoğlu - The Journal of Social Psychology, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
The author examined three questions:(a) What constitutes participants' causal attributions for
the labels" gay,"" lesbian," and" homosexual"?;(b) Do participants' attitudes vary by labels?; …

[PDF][PDF] Domuz gribi (H1N1) salgınıyla ilişkili algıların, kaygı ve kaçınma düzeyi değişkenleri bağlamında incelenmesi

OC Çırakoğlu - Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 2011 -
Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı 2009 domuz gribi (H1N1) salgını sırasında bir Türkiye
örnekleminde H1N1'e ilişkin algıları ve bu algıların kaygı düzeyi ve kaçınma davranışları ile …

Perception of drug addiction among Turkish university students: Causes, cures, and attitudes

OC Çırakoğlu, G Işın - Addictive behaviors, 2005 - Elsevier
In this paper, university students' beliefs about different causes of drug addiction and cures
for it were investigated. Principal component analysis (PCA) with Causes of Drug Abuse …

Academic Procrastination: Prevalence, Self-Reported Reasons, Gender Difference and It'S Relation with Academic Achievement

RBU Özer - 2005 -
The purpose of the present study was mainly fourfold; 1) to examine the undergraduate
students̕ level of academic procrastination in relation to gender; 2) to investigate the …

Academic Procrastination: Prevalence, Self-reported reasons, gender difference and it's relation with academic achievement

BR Uzun Özer - 2005 -
The purpose of the present study was mainly fourfold; 1) to examine the undergraduate
students̕ level of academic procrastination in relation to gender; 2) to investigate the …

Public attitudes, lay theories and mental health literacy: The understanding of mental health

A Furnham, K Telford - Mental Illnesses-Understanding …, 2012 -
There is a large body of research into public conceptions of mental illnesses and disorders
going back over 50 years (Star, 1955). This chapter seeks to review the complex literature …

Covit-19 Pandemi Döneminde Algılanan Stres ve Ölüm Kaygısı Arasındaki İlişkiler

U Mehmet, B Konal… - … Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü …, 2023 -
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı; Covid-19 Pandemi sürecinde beliren yetişkinlik dönemindeki
bireylerin algıladıkları stres ile ölüm kaygıları arasındaki betimsel ve yordayıcı ilişkilerin …

Beliefs about the causes and cures of depression

A Furnham, W Ritchie, A Lay - International Journal of Social …, 2016 -
Background: This study used attitude statement and vignette methodology to examine a
mixed British sample's belies about the causes and consequences of depression. Aims: To …

[PDF][PDF] Public attitudes, lay theories and mental health literacy: The understanding of mental health

A Furnham, K Telford - Mental illnesses: Understanding, prediction …, 2011 -
There is a large body of research into public conceptions of mental illnesses and disorders
going back over 50 years (Star, 1955). This chapter seeks to review the complex literature …