Moving toward a universally accessible web: Web accessibility and education

S Kurt - Assistive Technology, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The World Wide Web is an extremely powerful source of information, inspiration,
ideas, and opportunities. As such, it has become an integral part of daily life for a great …

[图书][B] E-learning and disability in higher education: accessibility research and practice

J Seale - 2013 -
Most people working within the higher education sector understand the importance of
making e-learning accessible to students with disabilities, yet it is not always clear exactly …

[HTML][HTML] Digital learning designs in occupational therapy education: a scoping review

NK Hwang, SH Shim, HW Cheon - BMC Medical Education, 2023 - Springer
Background Digital learning is a rapidly advancing method for teaching and learning in
professional health education. Although various digital learning designs have been tried in …

When digital capital is not enough: reconsidering the digital lives of disabled university students

J Seale - Learning, Media and Technology, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The relationship that disabled university students have with both their technologies and
institutions is poorly understood. This paper seeks to illuminate this relationship using the …

Online learning: The potential for occupational therapy education

V Hollis, H Madill - Occupational therapy international, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Online learning continues to have a significant impact on higher education. Increasingly
students seek a combination of online learning and face‐to‐face instruction at …

[PDF][PDF] Covid-19: impactos e desafios para a educação superior brasileira e portuguesa

CE Gemelli, L Cerdeira - Janelas da pandemia, 2020 -
Esta pensata tem o intuito de refletir sobre a educação superior no contexto da pandemia
provocada pela COVID-19. Do cenário atual, composto por alta complexidade e incertezas …

Building capacity: challenges and opportunities in large class pedagogy (LCP) in Sub-Saharan Africa

AR Foley, JO Masingila - Higher Education, 2014 - Springer
Over the past 20 years most countries, particularly developing countries, have seen a large
increase in the number of students seeking higher education. A consequence of this growth …

Migrating from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0–A comparative study based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in Taiwan

SH Li, DC Yen, WH Lu, TL Lin - Computers in Human Behavior, 2012 - Elsevier
The primary purpose of this research was to explore a comparative analysis of the “Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)” standard in Taiwan and the international WCAG …

Instructional technology and objectification

B Gur, D Wiley - Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La …, 2008 -
Abstract: Objectification refers to the way in which everything (including human beings) is
treated as an object, raw material, or resource to be manipulated and used. In this article …

Institutional, legal, and attitudinal barriers to the accessibility of university digital libraries: Implications for retention of disabled students

SK Oswal - … Repositories: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 2020 -
This chapter takes a look at the impact of accessibility barriers to today's digital libraries on
disabled students' ability to succeed and considers the wider institutional implications of …