The influence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that is being felt in all spheres of our lives and has a remarkable effect on global health care delivery occurs amongst the ongoing …
The COVID-19 pandemic, like an earthquake, shocked our civilization and is still having a devastating effect on our lives. Guaranteeing an appropriate level of safety in the conditions …
Travel behavior has been affected around the world since the eruption of corona virus disease (COVID-19). Several industries including transportation industry have been hard hit …
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented measures changing travel habits in many countries. Many users have started to prefer traveling by private cars, which is against …
Almost all megacities worldwide are under pressure from environmental pollution and excessive resource usage due to rapid urbanization and increasing urban population …
Considering the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic, the government and health sectors are incapable of making fast and reliable decisions, particularly given the …
The Covid 19 pandemic has caused dramatic disruptions in the public transport sector that has seen a stark downturn in many cities across the globe, calling into question previous …
The paper aims to investigate changes in travel behavior due to COVID-19 focusing in one of the most active social groups in Greece. A questionnaire survey was conducted and 306 …
Supplier selection is regarded as the primary goal of supply chain management (SCM) because it affects its performance, productivity, pleasure, flexibility, and system speed in …