Let R be the coordinate ring of an affine toric variety. We prove, using direct elementary methods, that the endomorphism ring End R (A), where A is the (finite) direct sum of all …
D Mallory - Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, 2023 - epiga.episciences.org
Finite F-representation type is an important notion in characteristic p commutative algebra, but explicit examples of varieties with or without this property are few. We prove that a large …
J Jeffries, AK Singh - Advances in Mathematics, 2023 - Elsevier
Levasseur and Stafford described the rings of differential operators on various classical invariant rings of characteristic zero; in each of the cases that they considered, the …
Abstract (EN) In this thesis, we consider two problems related to cocommutative comonoids. In the first part, we construct an example of a comonoid which is not cocommutative, yet …
A Jiang - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16083, 2023 - arxiv.org
By reading a standard formula for the ring of Grothendieck differential operators in a derived way, we construct a derived (sheaf of) ring of Grothendieck differential operators for …
We study the!-pullback functor and the theory of (relative) D-modules along morphisms of qcqs schemes p_X: X→ S which are almost of finite presentation and finite tor-amplitude …
AF Boix, MP Noordman, J Top - Communications in Algebra, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Given a polynomial f with coefficients in a field of prime characteristic p, it is known that there exists a differential operator that raises 1/f to its p th power. We first discuss a relation …
E Quinlan-Gallego - Journal of Algebra, 2021 - Elsevier
If k is a field and R is a commutative k-algebra, we explore the question of when the ring DR| k of k-linear differential operators on R is isomorphic to its opposite ring. Under mild …
Commutative algebra has recently witnessed a number of spectacular developments, resulting in the resolution of long-standing problems. The new techniques and perspectives …