[图书][B] Christian moderns: freedom and fetish in the mission encounter

W Keane - 2007 - books.google.com
Across much of the postcolonial world, Christianity has often become inseparable from ideas
and practices linking the concept of modernity to that of human emancipation. To explore …

[图书][B] Law and Religion in Indonesia: Conflict and the courts in West Java

M Crouch - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Understanding and managing inter-religious relations, particularly between Muslims and
Christians, presents a challenge for states around the world. This book investigates legal …

[图书][B] Catholicism: A global history from the French revolution to Pope Francis

JT McGreevy - 2022 - books.google.com
A magisterial history of the centuries-long conflict between “progress” and “tradition” in the
world's largest international institution. In dramatic stories and sweeping panoramas …

[图书][B] Religion and nationalism in Southeast Asia

JC Liow - 2016 - books.google.com
Religion and nationalism are two of the most potent and enduring forces that have shaped
the modern world. Yet, there has been little systematic study of how these two forces have …

[图书][B] Political change and territoriality in Indonesia: Provincial proliferation

E Kimura - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
What makes large, multi-ethnic states hang together? At a time when ethnic and religious
conflict has gained global prominence, the territorial organization of states is a critical area …

Another look at the Jakarta Charter controversy of 1945

RE Elson - Indonesia, 2009 - JSTOR
On the morning of August 18, 1945, three days after the Japanese surrender and just a day
after Indonesia's proclamation of independence, Mohammad Hatta, soon to be elected as …

[图书][B] State management of religion in Indonesia

M Seo - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Although Indonesia is generally considered to be a Muslim state, and is indeed the world's
most populous Muslim-majority nation, it has a sizeable Christian minority as a legacy of …

Explaining the Cause of Muslim-Christian Conflicts in Indonesia: Tracing the Origins of Kristenisasi and Islamisasi

AR Arifianto - Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Within the last decade, Indonesia has experienced numerous incidents of communal
violence between conservative Muslims, who are the religious majority in the country, and …

Religious aspirations among urban Christians in contemporary Indonesia

CY Hoon - International Sociology, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Recognizing that the Christians in Indonesia are not a homogeneous group, this article
examines the various contested spiritual, social, and political aspirations of urban Christians …

[图书][B] Indonesia today: Challenges of history

GJ Lloyd, SL Smith - 2001 - books.google.com
It is often said that history can function as a guide to the future. At the turn of the century and
the crossroads of reformasi, it is timely to examine aspects of Indonesia's political, economic …