Bundled products are often offered as good deals to customers. In first-order modal logic (FOML), when we bundle quantifiers and modalities together (as in∃ x□,◇∀ x, etc.), we …
First order modal logic (𝖥𝖮𝖬𝖫) is built by extending First Order Logic (𝖥𝖮) with modal operators. A typical formula is of the form. Not only is 𝖥𝖮𝖬𝖫 undecidable, even simple …
In large anonymous games, payoffs are determined by strategy distributions rather than strategy profiles. If half the players choose a strategy a, all of them get a certain payoff …
Abstract Reasoning about equilibria in normal form games involves the study of players' incentives to deviate unilaterally from any profile. In the case of large anonymous games, the …
This work is about analysing reasoning about games-specially the social network games, polymatrix games, priority separable games and large games. Towards the reasoning we …
A Padmanabha - ICLA 2021 Proceedings, 2021 - rucforsk.ruc.dk
Abstract First Order Modal logic (FOML) is a natural language to reason about modal properties of predicates. In FOML, an example formula would be∀ x∃ y 2 (Q (x, y)). Term …