Ordered weighted averaging operators 1988–2014: A citation‐based literature survey

A Emrouznejad, M Marra - International Journal of Intelligent …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This study surveys the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator literature using a
citation network analysis. The main goals are the historical reconstruction of scientific …

Applications of haptic technology, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence in medical training during the COVID-19 pandemic

M Motaharifar, A Norouzzadeh, P Abdi… - Frontiers in Robotics …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
This paper examines how haptic technology, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence help to
reduce the physical contact in medical training during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Notably, any …

[PDF][PDF] Prediction of one-dimensional structural properties of proteins by integrated neural networks

Y Zhou, E Faraggi - Protein Structure Prediction, 2010 - academia.edu
Proteins are linear polymeric chains made of various combinations of 20 amino acid
residues. The exact sequence of residues for each protein is encoded in the DNA sequence …

Linear aggregation with weighted ranking

RA Nasibova, EN Nasibov - Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2010 - Springer
This paper considers the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator for the calculation of
the averaged value of a finite number set. The specific feature of such an aggregation is the …

Application of classifier fusion for protein fold recognition

S Jazebi, A Tohidi, M Rahgozar - 2009 Sixth International …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Protein data patterns which are discriminative can be used in many beneficial applications if
they are defined correctly such as molecular medicine, agriculture, and microbial genome …

Using classifier fusion techniques for protein secondary structure prediction

M Kazemian, B Moshiri, V Palade… - International …, 2010 - inderscienceonline.com
Classifier fusion techniques are gaining more popularity for their capability of improving the
accuracy achieved by individual classifiers. A common approach is to combine the …

CF-Rank: Learning to rank by classifier fusion on click-through data

AH Keyhanipour, B Moshiri, M Rahgozar - Expert Systems with Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
Ranking as a key functionality of Web search engines, is a user-centric process. However,
click-through data, which is the source of implicit feedback of users, are not included in …

[PDF][PDF] Addressing the new user cold-start problem in recommender systems using ordered weighted averaging operator

J Basiri, A Shakery, B Moshiri, M Zihayat - International Journal of …, 2010 - ijict.itrc.ac.ir
Recommender systems have become significant tools in electronic commerce, proposing
effectively those items that best meet the preferences of users. A variety of techniques have …

Efficient antilock braking systems in regenerative brakes

A Dadashnialehi - 2014 - figshare.swinburne.edu.au
This thesis explores the feasibility of the development of efficient antilock braking systems
(ABSs) for In-Wheel Electric Vehicles (EVs). The main idea is to design a sensorless ABS …

Application of OWA based classifier fusion in diagnosis and treatment offering for female urinary incontinence

B Moshiri, PM Moshrefi, M Emami… - AI 2006: Advances in …, 2006 - Springer
Classifier fusion is a process that combines a set of outputs from multiple classifiers in order
to achieve a more reliable and complete decision. In this work, the application of Ordered …