In a distant corner of the late antique world, along the Atlantic river valleys of western Iberia, local elite populations lived through the ebb and flow of empire and kingdoms as historical …
Within the first few centuries after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the majority of those westerners once considered Romans adopted the identities of their barbarian rulers …
La España visigoda es una materia histórica fascinante, pero al mismo tiempo frustrante para el historiador. Por un lado, los hispanovisigodos nos han dejado un amplio elenco …
The structures of the late ancient Visigothic kingdom of Iberia were rooted in those of Roman Hispania, Santiago Castellanos argues, but Catholic bishops subsequently produced a …
Strontium, carbon, and nitrogen isotopes of human bone and tooth remains have been used to reconstruct residential mobility and diet of early medieval populations at Las Gobas from …
S Castellanos - Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2003 -
The hagiographical texts of Visigothic Spain (c. 507-711) provide exciting material for the study of post-Roman Hispania in the general context of the late antique West. However, it is …
Lucas, the garrulous bishop of Tuy, included the thaumaturgy of Saint Dominic of Silos as one of the glories of Spain in his mid-thirteenth-century account of the Peninsula's history …
J Wood - Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2012 -
This article positions the Spanish strand of the De viris illustribus in its social and literary context. I argue that, rather than simply continuing the biographical catalogues of Jerome …
S Berrica - Cuadernos de arqueología de la Universidad de …, 2022 -
En el estudio de la formación del Paisaje Altomedieval, se examinaron una serie de yacimientos en la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, España) caracterizados por …