Literature Review: Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability, and Students' Self Regulated Learning to Use an Open Ended Approach.

D Ali, MZ Zubaidah Amir, R Vebrianto - Malikussaleh Journal of …, 2021 - ERIC
The ability to think creatively and self-regulated learning is very important in learning
mathematics, in order to train students to develop their creativity. But in reality, mathematics …

Analisis kemampuan literasi numerasi ditinjau dari efikasi diri pada peserta didik SMP

AP Salsabilah, MD Kurniasih - Edumatica: Jurnal …, 2022 -
Numerical literacy ability is currently most highly discussed in education. Numerical literacy
ability is the ability that forms the basis for students in solving mathematical problems and is …

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Berbasis Etnomatematika Menggunakan Ispring Suite

H Nabila, F Nursyahidah… - … : Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2023 -
Responses and positive attitudes of students towards mathematics are the key to success in
learning. Therefore, teachers are required to be able to innovate in learning activities. With …

The effect of application of realistic mathematics education (RME) approach to mathematical reasoning ability based on mathematics self efficacy of junior high school …

MZZ Amir, A Urrohmah, L Andriani - Journal of Physics …, 2021 -
This research was purposed tofind the differences on mathematic reasoning ability between
students using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach and those taught by direct …

Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas VI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 4 Lampung Timur

SE Rahmadhani, S Masfiah - Elementary: Jurnal Iilmiah …, 2023 -
Hasil belajar peserta didik merupakan salah satu indikator tercapainya tujuan dalam
pembelajaran. Hasil belajar peserta didik dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal seperti motivasi …

Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Treffinger terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Berdasarkan Self Efficacy Siswa Mts Al-Muttaqin …

A Kurniati, D Marliny, D Rahmi - Suska Journal of …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kemampuan
pemahaman konsep matematis siswa MTs Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru yang belajar …

Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in View of Learning Motivation Through the MURDER Learning Model Assisted by Animation Videos

SA Faza, K Wijayanti - Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 2023 -
This research was carried out with the aim of analyzing the effectiveness of the MURDER
learning model assisted by animated videos on students' mathematical problem solving …

Pengaruh perhatian orang tua, self-efficacy, dan motivasi terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa

E Imelda, S Syamsuri, N Novaliyosi - Tirtamath: Jurnal Penelitian …, 2022 -
This study aims to obtain a structural equation model related to the variables of parental
attention, self-efficacy, and motivation on the mathematics learning outcomes of MTs …

Perbedaan antara Siswa yang Memiliki Tingkat Self-Efficacy Matematis Tinggi dan Rendah Terhadap Minat Belajar Matematika Siswa SMA

S Maesaroh, HRP Negara… - Jurnal Karya …, 2024 -
This study aims to examine the difference between students with high and low levels of
mathematical self-efficacy regarding their interest in learning mathematics at the high school …

Analisis Dampak Pembelajaran Penugasan Berbasis Web Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Bengkulu

S Maizora, D Juandi - Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Raflesia, 2022 -
This study aims to see the impact on mathematics education students at Bengkulu University
learning web-based assignments assisted by GeoGebra. This research is a qualitative …