Implementing sorting in database systems

G Graefe - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2006 -
Most commercial database systems do (or should) exploit many sorting techniques that are
publicly known, but not readily available in the research literature. These techniques …

Efficient data object storage and retrieval

M Shao, GR Goodson - US Patent 8,793,466, 2014 - Google Patents
A data storage system includes a processor, a system memory, and logical extents. Blocks of
storage in one or more physical storage devices are allocated to each of the logical extents …

Qpipe: A simultaneously pipelined relational query engine

S Harizopoulos, V Shkapenyuk… - Proceedings of the 2005 …, 2005 -
Relational DBMS typically execute concurrent queries independently by invoking a set of
operator instances for each query. To exploit common data retrievals and computation in …

Database servers on chip multiprocessors: Limitations and opportunities

N Hardavellas, I Pandis, R Johnson… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 -
Prior research shows that database system performance is dominated by off-chip data stalls,
resulting in a concerted effort to bring data into on-chip caches. At the same time, high levels …

PALM: Parallel architecture-friendly latch-free modifications to B+ trees on many-core processors

J Sewall, J Chhugani, C Kim, N Satish… - Proceedings of the VLDB …, 2011 -
Concurrency control on B+ trees is primarily achieved with latches, but serialization and
contention can hinder scalability. As core counts on current processors increase, it is …

High-throughput transaction executions on graphics processors

B He, JX Yu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1103.3105, 2011 -
OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) is an important business system sector in various
traditional and emerging online services. Due to the increasing number of users, OLTP …

Design principles for scaling multi-core oltp under high contention

K Ren, JM Faleiro, DJ Abadi - … of the 2016 International Conference on …, 2016 -
Although significant recent progress has been made in improving the multi-core scalability of
high throughput transactional database systems, modern systems still fail to achieve …

OmniDB: Towards portable and efficient query processing on parallel CPU/GPU architectures

S Zhang, J He, B He, M Lu - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2013 -
Driven by the rapid hardware development of parallel CPU/GPU architectures, we have
witnessed emerging relational query processing techniques and implementations on those …

Unbundling transaction services in the cloud

D Lomet, A Fekete, G Weikum, M Zwilling - arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.1768, 2009 -
The traditional architecture for a DBMS engine has the recovery, concurrency control and
access method code tightly bound together in a storage engine for records. We propose a …

Revisiting the design of data stream processing systems on multi-core processors

S Zhang, B He, D Dahlmeier, AC Zhou… - 2017 IEEE 33rd …, 2017 -
Driven by the rapidly increasing demand for handling real-time data streams, many data
stream processing (DSP) systems have been proposed. Regardless of the different …