Consider Sym (n) endowed with the normalized Hamming metric dn. A finitely generated group Γ is P-stable if every almost homomorphism ρ nk: Γ→ Sym (nk)(ie, for every g, h∈ Γ …
We show that stationary characters on irreducible lattices Γ< G Γ<G of higher-rank connected semisimple Lie groups are conjugation invariant, that is, they are genuine …
We show that the space of traces of free products of the form C (X 1)⁎ C (X 2), where X 1 and X 2 are compact metrizable spaces without isolated points, is a Poulsen simplex, ie …
U Bader, T Gelander, R Sauer - Journal of the European Mathematical …, 2020 -
Homology and homotopy complexity in negative curvature Page 1 DOI 10.4171/JEMS/971 J. Eur. Math. Soc. 22, 2537–2571 c European Mathematical Society 2020 Uri Bader · Tsachik …
We study compact three-manifolds with boundary obtained by randomly gluing together truncated tetrahedra along their faces. We prove that, asymptotically almost surely as the …
T Zheng - arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.04428, 2019 -
A generalization of the double commutator lemma for normal subgroups is shown for invariant random subgroups of a countable group acting faithfully on a Hausdorff space. As …
We prove the following extension of Tits' simplicity theorem. Let kk be an infinite field, G an algebraic group defined and quasi-simple over k, k, and G (k) G (k) the group of k k-rational …
We establish vanishing results for limits of characters in various discrete groups, most notably irreducible lattices in higher rank semisimple Lie groups. This is achieved by …
A Levit, A Lubotzky - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2022 -
We prove that all invariant random subgroups of the lamplighter group L are co-sofic. It follows that L is permutation stable, providing an example of an infinitely presented such …