Model-based Low-Code systems rely on high-level specifications (models) to generate all artifacts of the resulting software. Such artifacts can be code, schemas, as well as data, and …
The planning, realization, and release of a Software Product Line (SPL) are driven by features. Therefore, many high-level decisions about the evolution of an SPL are made at …
Abstract Software Product Lines (SPL) are not static software artifacts, but they evolve over time. The planning, realization, and release of a SPL requires many high-level decisions …
KR Hablutzel, A Jain, AM Grubb - 2022 IEEE 30th international …, 2022 -
Goal modeling enables the elicitation of stakeholders' intentionality in the earlier stages of a project. Often, approaches are limited by the effort required to create an initial goal model. In …
A model family is a set of related models in a given language, with commonalities and variabilities that result from evolution of models over time and/or variation over intended …
Goal models are commonly used requirements engineering artefacts that capture stakeholder requirements and their inter-relationships in a way that supports reasoning …
Software Product Lines (SPL) are not static software artifacts, but they evolve over time. The planning, realization, and release of a SPL requires many high-level decisions involving …
In this preface, the editors present an overview of the topics and scope of the European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), and describe the editorial …