Implicit racial bias in public defender triage

LS Richardson, PA Goff - Yale LJ, 2012 - HeinOnline
Despite the promise of Gideon, providing" the guiding hand of counsel" to indigent
defendants remains unmanageable, largely because the nation's public defender offices are …

The state (never) rests: How excessive prosecutorial caseloads harm criminal defendants

AM Gershowitz, LR Killinger - Nw. UL Rev., 2011 - HeinOnline
In recent decades, legal scholars have devoted enormous attention to two problems in the
American criminal justice system: the appalling underfunding of indigent defense'and …

Prosecuting collateral consequences

E Jain - Geo. LJ, 2015 - HeinOnline
Today, the consequences of having a criminal record can far outstrip any penalty imposed
by criminal law. 1 Consider the case of Andre Venant, a longtime lawful permanent resident …

Prosecutorial shaming: Naming attorneys to reduce prosecutorial misconduct

AM Gershowitz - UC Davis L. Rev., 2008 - HeinOnline
Prosecutors are the most powerful actors in the American criminal justice
system.'Unfortunately, in exercising that power, prosecutors occasionally 2 cross the line …

The third generation of indigent defense litigation

CH Drinan - NYU Rev. L. & Soc. Change, 2009 - HeinOnline
For years, scholars have documented the national crisis in indigent defense and its many
tragic implications, and yet the crisis persists. Traditionally, the appellate and political …

Against civil Gideon (and for pro se court reform)

BH Barton - Fla. L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
" Civil Gideon" is a short-hand name for a concept that has been the white whale of
American poverty law for the last forty years-a constitutional civil guarantee to a lawyer to …

Race, gender, and the social construction of mental illness in the criminal justice system

M Thompson - Sociological Perspectives, 2010 -
This article tests whether perceptions of “normal” defendants influence the use of psychiatric
evaluations in the criminal justice system. The author theorizes that typifications–or taken-for …

Asymmetry as Fairness: Reversing a Peremptory Trend

A Roberts - Wash. UL Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT A recent Ninth Circuit decision, prohibiting peremptory challenges on the basis
of sexual orientation, reveals the continuing evolution of the Batson doctrine. Meanwhile …

The equal opportunity commission and structural reform of the American Workplace

M Schlanger, P Kim - Wash. UL Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
In one of its most-watched recent cases, the United States Supreme Court struck down a
class action alleging that Wal-Mart stores discriminated against female employees in pay …

It's not you, it's your caseload: Using cronic to solve indigent defense underfunding

S Jaffe - Mich. L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
Frederick Bell was arrested in October 2016 in Louisiana after police officers alleged" they
found drugs in his car during a traffic stop." 1 He says he met with his attorney, a public …