Socialization in professional reality integration for nursing student transition (SPRINT) to improve professional competence: A quasi-experimental study

W Noviani, MC Chong, LY Tang - Heliyon, 2023 -
Background Professional socialization could support competency achievement and assist
the transition phase. It is rare to find quantitative studies examining the effects of …

Persepsi mahasiswa profesi Ners tentang uji kompetensi Ners di STIKES Yogyakarta

DPU Lubis - Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI), 2022 -
Mahasiswa keperawatan pada akhir proses pendidikannya mengikuti uji kompetensi
nasional. Uji kompetensi sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Dikti No. 704/e. e3/dt/2013 yang …

Psychometric Testing of Instrument the Nurse Professional Competence (NPC) in Indonesia.

W Noviani, MC Chong - Malaysian Journal of Medicine & …, 2022 -
Introduction: Professional competence is an important aspect of nursing education for
improving the quality of care and safety. The Nurse Professional Competence (NPC) scale …

5 Finger Hypnotic Intervention Can Reduce The Stress Of NursesProfessional Students That Will Take The Exam: Intervensi Hipnotis 5 Jari Mampu Menurunkan Stres …

SM Sari, DK Putri - Journal of Community Service and Application …, 2022 -
The average Indonesian Nurse Competency Examination (UKNI) graduation at one of the
private universities in Pekanbaru City is still around 80-95%, while UKNI graduation is a …

The Lived Experiences of ESL Nontraditional RRTs While Preparing to Challenge the National Board for Respiratory Care Clinical Simulation Exam

JA Lammoglia - 2023 -
The Lived Experiences of ESL Nontraditional RRTs While Preparing to Challenge the
National Board for Respiratory Care Clinical S Page 1 Nova Southeastern University …

[PDF][PDF] File LK Siska Mayang Sari

S Yunaldi -
Pandemi COVID-19 telah mengancam kesehatan nyawa manusia terkhususnya bagi
wilayah Kota Pekanbaru, sehingga program vaksinasi menjadi cara terakhir dan masih …

[PDF][PDF] File PAK Dewi Kurnia Putri

S Yunaldi -
1 MOHD. AKMAL ALAMSYAH 20031001 90 4, 5 84 8, 4 86 8, 6 61 21, 35 88 30, 8 90 4, 5
78, 15 39, 08 73 18 78, 78 19, 7 77 B+ 2 SUCI RAHMADANI 20031002 90 4, 5 84 8, 4 91 9 …

Implementasi Kiat Sukses Ujian Kompetensi Ners Indonesia dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Ners Mengikuti Ujian Kompetensi Ners Indonesia

SM Sari, DK Putri, Z Zuriati - … Nasional Pengabdian Kepada …, 2020 -
Secara Nasional rerata jumlah peserta Ners yang belum lulus Ujian Kompetesi Ners
Indonesia (UKNI) pada tahun 2018 adalah 11.000 orang atau dibawah 75%. Sementara itu …