[图书][B] Our posthuman future: Consequences of the biotechnology revolution

F Fukuyama - 2003 - books.google.com
In 1989, Francis Fukuyama made his now-famous pronouncement that because" the major
alternatives to liberal democracy had exhausted themselves," history as we knew it had …

[图书][B] Responsible conduct of research

AE Shamoo, DB Resnik - 2009 - books.google.com
Recent scandals and controversies, such as data fabrication in federally funded science,
data manipulation and distortion in private industry, and human embryonic stem cell …

Enabling disability: Rewriting kinship, reimagining citizenship

R Rapp, FD Ginsburg - Public Culture, 2001 - muse.jhu.edu
In trying to portray my son in the literary model known as a novel, I have passed through...
stages. In the case of a person like him with a mental disability, it isn't the individual himself …

[图书][B] Ourselves unborn: A history of the fetus in modern America

S Dubow - 2010 - books.google.com
During the past several decades, the fetus has been diversely represented in political
debates, medical textbooks and journals, personal memoirs and autobiographies, museum …

Enhancement technologies and human identity

D DeGrazia - The Journal of medicine and philosophy, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Abstract As the President's Council on Bioethics emphasized in a recent report, rapid growth
of biotechnologies creates increasingly many possibilities for enhancing human traits. This …

[图书][B] The cybernetic revolution and the forthcoming epoch of self-regulating systems

L Grinin, AL Grinin - 2016 - books.google.com
The monograph presents the ideas about the main changes that occurred in the
development of technologies from the emergence of Homo sapiens till present time and …

Exploring techno-moral change: the case of the obesitypill

T Swierstra, D Stemerding, M Boenink - Evaluating New Technologies …, 2009 - Springer
Technology is a major force in modern societies, co-shaping most of its aspects, including
established moral norms and values. Technology Assessment aims to explore the …

The cybernetic revolution and historical process

G Leonid, G Anton - Social Evolution & History, 2015 - cyberleninka.ru
The article analyzes the technological shifts which took place in the second half of the
twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and predict the main shifts in the next half a century …

[图书][B] От рубил до нанороботов. Мир на пути к эпохе самоуправляемых систем: История технологий и описание их будущего

ЛЕ Гринин, АЛ Гринин - 2015 - books.google.com
Эта книга о том, как зародились и развивались технологии, какими они станут в
будущем и что это значит для каждого из нас. Первопричины изменений в обществе …

[图书][B] On cloning

J Harris - 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
Cloning-few words have as much potential to grip our imagination or grab the headlines. No
longer the stuff of science fiction or Star Wars-it is happening now. Yet human cloning is …