Embedded pupil function recovery for fourier ptychographic imaging devices

X Ou, J Chung, R Horstmeyer, G Zheng… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
US9864184B2 - Embedded pupil function recovery for fourier ptychographic imaging
devices - Google Patents US9864184B2 - Embedded pupil function recovery for fourier …

Method and system for phase recovery and holographic image reconstruction using a neural network

A Ozcan, Y Rivenson, Y Wu, Y Zhang… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of performing phase retrieval and holographic image
reconstruction of an imaged sample includes obtaining a single hologram intensity image of …

Systems and methods for deep learning microscopy

A Ozcan, Y Rivenson, H Wang, H Gunaydin… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents

Device and method for iterative phase recovery based on pixel super-resolved on-chip holography

A Ozcan, A Greenbaum, Y Zhang, A Feizi… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for lens-free imaging of a sample or objects within the sample
uses multi-height iterative phase retrieval and rotational field transformations to perform …

Fourier ptychographic imaging systems, devices, and methods

G Zheng, C Yang, R Horstmeyer - US Patent 10,679,763, 2020 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems, devices, and methods of Fourier ptychographic imaging configured for
illuminating a specimen being imaged from a plurality of incidence angles, for acquiring …

Maskless imaging of dense samples using multi-height lensfree microscope

A Ozcan, A Greenbaum - US Patent 9,715,099, 2017 - Google Patents
8,842,901 B2 9, 2014 OZcan et al. 8,866,063 B2 10/2014 Ozcan et al. 8,916,390 B2 12/2014
Ozcan et al. 9,007.433 B2 4/2015 OZcan et al. 9,057,702 B2 6, 2015 Ozcan et al. 9,202,835 …

Variable-illumination Fourier ptychographic imaging devices, systems, and methods

X Ou, R Horstmeyer, G Zheng, C Yang - US Patent 9,497,379, 2016 - Google Patents
US9497379B2 - Variable-illumination fourier ptychographic imaging devices, systems, and
methods - Google Patents US9497379B2 - Variable-illumination fourier ptychographic imaging …

Multi-well fourier ptychographic and fluorescence imaging

J Kim, C Yang - US Patent 10,168,525, 2019 - Google Patents
US10168525B2 - Multi-well fourier ptychographic and fluorescence imaging - Google
Patents US10168525B2 - Multi-well fourier ptychographic and fluorescence imaging …

Array level Fourier ptychographic imaging

J Kim, C Yang - US Patent 9,829,695, 2017 - Google Patents
In one aspect an imaging system includes: an illumination system including an array of light
sources; an optical system including one or more lens arrays, each of the lens arrays …

Correcting for aberrations in incoherent imaging systems using fourier ptychographic techniques

J Chung, C Yang - US Patent 10,684,458, 2020 - Google Patents
Aberration-corrected incoherent imaging methods and systems that can acquire a sequence
of coherent images and an incoherent image of a specimen, implement an embedded pupil …