Notional Gong Center rogress has been slow in developing antigang programs. Preventing gangs from forming and eliminating established gangs altogether seems impossible when …
JC Howell - American journal of criminal justice, 2019 - Springer
This article examines the public policy benefits of gang research. In particular, the author highlights the benefits of longitudinal research on gang members in several cities and multi …
E Gebo, BJ Bond, KS Campos - The handbook of gangs, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
One strategy that has gained credence, and is promulgated by the US Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), is the Comprehensive Gang Model (CGM) …
Our comments focus on the policy and program implications of these findings for school systems. Important considerations include the following. Foremost, school administrators …
Youth gangs are not a new social problem in the United States. They have been a serious problem since the early 19th century—and they remain a persistent problem. Overall, one …
KM Bullard, C Broccardo, SM Keenan - Malaria Journal, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Background The 2013 Malaria World Report indicated that in 2012 there were approximately 207 million cases of malaria, which resulted in an estimated 627,000 malaria …
JC Howell - The Handbook of Gangs, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Summary This chapter traces Irving Spergel's lifetime of gang work. His pioneering career in gang research and program development began in the 1940s and extended for 60 years …
E Gebo, BJ Bond - Journal of Policy Practice, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Increasingly there is a call from policy makers for communities to work collaboratively to ameliorate social problems; yet, collaborating is arguably one of the most difficult tasks of …