In causal inference studies, interest often lies in understanding the mechanisms through which a treatment affects an outcome. One approach is principal stratification (PS), which …
Climate change and air pollution are two independent risk factors to cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Few studies investigated their interaction and potential effect modification …
Maternal exposure to environmental chemicals during pregnancy can alter birth and children's health outcomes. Research seeks to identify critical windows, time periods when …
Distributed lag models have been used to identify critical pregnancy periods of exposure (ie critical exposure windows) to air pollution in studies of pregnancy outcomes. However, much …
Distributed lag models are useful in environmental epidemiology as they allow the user to investigate critical windows of exposure, defined as the time periods during which exposure …
Exposures to environmental chemicals during gestation can alter health status later in life. Most studies of maternal exposure to chemicals during pregnancy have focused on a single …
Understanding the role of time-varying pollution mixtures on human health is critical as people are simultaneously exposed to multiple pollutants during their lives. For vulnerable …
Exposure to environmental pollutants during the gestational period can significantly impact infant health outcomes, such as birth weight and neurological development. Identifying …
In this paper, we propose a stepwise forward selection algorithm for detecting the effects of a set of correlated exposures and their interactions on a health outcome of interest when the …