S Maren - Annual review of neuroscience, 2001 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Learning the relationships between aversive events and the environmental stimuli that predict such events is essential to the survival of organisms throughout the animal …
Of the many conceptual distinctions present in psychology today, the approach-avoidance distinction stands out as one of, if not the, most fundamental and basic. The distinction …
Pavlovian or classical fear conditioning is recognized as a model system to investigate the neurobiological mechanisms of learning and memory in the mammalian brain and to …
We report that, in the rat, administering insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II, also known as IGF2) significantly enhances memory retention and prevents forgetting. Inhibitory avoidance …
JJ Kim, RA Rison, MS Fanselow - Behavioral neuroscience, 1993 - psycnet.apa.org
Examines the effects of amygdala, hippocampus, and periaqueductal gray (PAG) lesions on contextual fear conditioning in 48 female rats. Freezing behavior served as the measure of …
This important volume defines the state of the art in the field of emotion and memory by offering a blend of research review, unpublished findings, and theory on topics related to its …
Learning of new information is transformed into long-lasting memory through a process known as consolidation, which requires protein synthesis. Classical theory held that once …
J Hitchcock, M Davis - Behavioral neuroscience, 1986 - psycnet.apa.org
Rats were given 10 light-shock pairings on 2 successive days. At 24–48 hr following training, groups of rats received bilateral transection of the cerebellar peduncles, bilateral …
The neuroanatomical and molecular basis of fear memory retrieval was studied by analyzing the expression of the plasticity-associated immediate early gene zif268. Cellular quantitative …