AK Wardhani - Jurnal Riset Matematika, 2024 - journals.unisba.ac.id
Teori permainan ialah teori yang menggunakan pendekatan matematis dalam merumuskan situasi persaingan dan konflik antara berbagai kepentingan dengan tujuan untuk …
MRK Wardana, W Sutopo, M Hisjam - 2023 - catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp
In Indonesia, salt produced by farmers contributes 87.9% to the total national salt production. Unfortunately, the lack of quality of salt produced by traditional farmers is due to the …
N Asriyanti - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 - knepublishing.com
Abstract Information was obtained through an interview with a headmaster and regional coordinator, revealing that the subject was manipulated within a game. The convergence of …
Fulfillment of beef availability needs to be considered to maintain a balance between supply and demand. This is because the market often experiences price fluctuations due to stock …
Indomaret and Alfamart are minimarket businesses that are currently experiencing significant growth, especially in the city of Salatiga. Each company strives to achieve …
MK Devya, WA Sidik - matematika.fmipa.unsoed.ac.id
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Terapannya (Senamantra) FMIPA Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, 21 Desember Page 1 Prosiding Seminar Nasional …