Cultural pathways through universal development

PM Greenfield, H Keller, A Fuligni… - Annual review of …, 2003 -
We focus our review on three universal tasks of human development: relationship formation,
knowledge acquisition, and the balance between autonomy and relatedness at …

[PDF][PDF] Práticas parentais: uma revisão da literatura brasileira

SM Macarini, GDF Martins… - Arquivos brasileiros de …, 2010 -
Existem diferentes termos conceituais e modelos teóricos para caracterizar e explicar o
conjunto complexo de comportamentos exercidos por mães e pais em relação aos filhos. O …

[图书][B] Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications

JW Berry - 2002 -
Cross-culturele psychologie is de studie van de relaties tussen menselijk gedrag en de
culturele context. In dit handboek komen alle vormen van gedrag aan bod, de belangrijkste …

[图书][B] Family, self, and human development across cultures: Theory and applications

C Kagitcibasi - 2017 -
Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı's influential volume was a work of masterful scholarship and field-
defining thought that challenged the existing assumptions in mainstream western …

[图书][B] Cultures of infancy

H Keller - 2022 -
The Classic Edition of Heidi Keller's Cultures of Infancy, first published in 2007, includes a
new introduction by the author, which describes for readers the original context of her work …

[PDF][PDF] The cultural solution of universal developmental tasks

H Keller, J Kärtner - Advances in culture and psychology, 2013 -
This chapter proposes a unified framework based on evolutionary theorizing and cross-
cultural and cultural anthropological approaches that may serve as a guideline for the …

Mother–infant physical contact predicts responsive feeding among US breastfeeding mothers

EE Little, CH Legare, LJ Carver - Nutrients, 2018 -
Responsive feeding—initiating feeding in response to early hunger cues—supports the
physiology of lactation and the development of infant feeding abilities, yet there is a dearth of …

Conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento infantil em mães primíparas de diferentes centros urbanos do Brasil

MLS Moura, RC Ribas Jr, CA Piccinini… - Estudos de Psicologia …, 2004 - SciELO Brasil
Cognições parentais constituem importante componente do contexto sociocultural em que
se dá o desenvolvimento infantil, e a literatura brasileira sobre o tema é ainda escassa. O …

[图书][B] Cultures of human development and education: Challenge to growing up African

AB Nsamenang - 2004 -
The core objective of this book is to explore, with the aim of stimulating awareness and
illuminating the extent to which Africa is equipping her next generations with responsible …

Culture, carrying, and communication: Beliefs and behavior associated with babywearing

EE Little, CH Legare, LJ Carver - Infant Behavior and Development, 2019 - Elsevier
Ethnographic research suggests mother-infant physical contact predicts high levels of
maternal responsiveness to infant cues, yet it is unclear whether this responsiveness is …