Life events and suicidal ideation and behavior: A systematic review

RT Liu, I Miller - Clinical psychology review, 2014 - Elsevier
Despite the sustained theoretical and empirical interest over the past 40 years in the
association between life events and suicidal ideation and behavior, the literature in this area …

The true cost of the economic crisis on psychological well-being: a review

G Van Hal - Psychology research and behavior management, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The recent economic crisis has led to many negative consequences, not the least having to
do with the mental health and well-being of the populations involved. Although some …

Mental health of people in Australia in the first month of COVID‐19 restrictions: a national survey

JRW Fisher, TD Tran, K Hammarberg… - Medical journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives To estimate the population prevalence of clinically significant symptoms of
depression, generalised anxiety, thoughts of being better off dead, irritability, and high …

Measuring social isolation in older adults: development and initial validation of the friendship scale

G Hawthorne - Social indicators research, 2006 - Springer
Although there are many excellent published scales measuring social isolation, there is
need for a short, user-friendly, stand alone scale measuring felt social isolation with good …

Guilt, shame, and suicidal ideation in a military outpatient clinical sample

CJ Bryan, CE Morrow, N Etienne… - Depression and …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Background Increased suicide risk among US military personnel is a growing concern.
Research has linked trauma exposure, including exposure to combat‐related injuries, death …

An examination of suicidal intent in patients with multiple sclerosis

A Feinstein - Neurology, 2002 - AAN Enterprises
Objective: To examine neurologic and psychiatric correlates of suicidal intent in a community
sample of 140 patients with MS. Methods: Patients with (28.6%) and without lifetime suicidal …

Lifetime risk of suicide ideation and attempts in an Australian community: prevalence, suicidal process, and help-seeking behaviour

D De Leo, E Cerin, K Spathonis, S Burgis - Journal of affective disorders, 2005 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organisation SUicide PREvention-Multisite Intervention
Study on Suicide (WHO/SUPRE-MISS) investigates suicidal behaviours in a number of …

Nightmares as predictors of suicide

A Tanskanen, J Tuomilehto, H Viinamäki, E Vartiainen… - Sleep, 2001 -
Abstract Study Objectives: To examine the relationship between the frequency of nightmares
and the risk of suicide. Design and Setting: A prospective follow-up study in a general …

Understanding suicide in Australian farmers

F Judd, H Jackson, C Fraser, G Murray… - Social psychiatry and …, 2006 - Springer
Abstract Objective Male farmers in Australia have an elevated risk of suicide. The aims of
this study were to investigate the rate of mental health problems amongst farmers compared …

Resilience among men farmers: the protective roles of social support and sense of belonging in the depression-suicidal ideation relation

S McLaren, C Challis - Death studies, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigated the applicability of 3 models of resiliency for the prediction of suicidal
ideation from depression (the risk factor) and social support and sense of belonging (the …