[PDF][PDF] Study of Herbal-Drug Interactions (HDIs) using in silico methods–mission (im) possible

KD Georgiev - Arch Phar & Pharmacol Res, 2019 - academia.edu
Studying herb-drug interactions (HDIs) is extremely important for the clinical practice, as
many patients with chronic diseases taking a number of conventional medicines, also take …

[PDF][PDF] Взаимодействия между растителни и лекарствени продукти на ниво цитохром Р 450

И Янева, В Балабански, В Белчева… - Годишник по …, 2020 - researchgate.net
РЕЗЮМЕ При приемане на лекарства едновременно с храни, растителни продукти,
никотин, алкохол са възможни лекарствени взаимодействия между тях. Направен е …

Isolation and Analysis of Methylxanthine Fraction, Catechin Fraction and Total Bancha Green Tea Extract and Study of Their Influence on the Pharmacokinetics of …

М Радева-Илиева - 2022 - repository.mu-varna.bg
Зеленият чай е известен с редица полезни ефекти като антиоксидантна,
противовъзпалителна и антимикробна активност, противотуморен ефект и други …

Isolation and Analysis of Methylxanthine Fraction, Catechin Fraction and Total Bancha Green Tea Extract and Study of their Influence on the Pharmacokinetics of …

P Radeva-Ilieva - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Green tea is known for a number of beneficial effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
and antimicrobial activity, antitumor effect and others. Tea leaves contain a wide variety of …

Interactions Between Herbs And Drugs At The Level Of Сytochrome P450

I Yaneva, T Karanesheva… - Annual for Hospital …, 2020 - journals.mu-varna.bg
Bolnichna pharmacia 2020.indb Page 1 ГОДИШНИК ПО БОЛНИЧНА ФАРМАЦИЯ VI, 2020,