We considered the vacuum polarization of a quantized charged scalar matter field in the background of a finite-thickness tube with magnetic flux inside. The tube is impenetrable for …
We consider the effect of the magnetic field background in the form of a tube of the finite transverse size on the vacuum of the quantized charged massive scalar field which is …
We consider the effect of the magnetic field background in the form of a tube of the finite transverse size on the vacuum of the quantized charged massive scalar field which is …
A perfectly reflecting (Dirichlet) boundary condition at the edge of an impenetrable magnetic- flux-carrying tube of nonzero transverse size is imposed on the charged massive scalar …
We consider vacuum polarization of charged scalar matter field outside the tube with magnetic flux inside. The tube is impenetrable for quantum matter and the perfectly rigid …
We consider the backreaction of the vacuum polarization effect for a massive charged scalar field in the presence of a singular magnetic massless string on the background metric. Using …
A perfectly reflecting (Dirichlet) boundary condition at the edge of an impenetrable magnetic- flux-carrying tube of nonzero transverse size is imposed on the charged massive scalar …
Двовимiрний простiр з топологiчним дефектом є поперечним зрiзом тривимiрного простору з вихором Абрикосова–Нiльсена–Олесена, який являє собою непроникливу …
Two-dimensional space with a topological defect is a transverse section of three- dimensional space with the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen vortex, ie a gauge-flux-carrying tube …