Crackling noise

JP Sethna, KA Dahmen, CR Myers - Nature, 2001 -
Crackling noise arises when a system responds to changing external conditions through
discrete, impulsive events spanning a broad range of sizes. A wide variety of physical …

Failure processes in elastic fiber bundles

S Pradhan, A Hansen, BK Chakrabarti - Reviews of modern physics, 2010 - APS
The fiber bundle model describes a collection of elastic fibers under load. The fibers fail
successively and, for each failure, the load distribution among the surviving fibers changes …

Statistical models of fracture

MJ Alava, PKVV Nukala, S Zapperi - Advances in Physics, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Disorder and long-range interactions are two of the key components that make material
failure an interesting playfield for the application of statistical mechanics. The cornerstone in …

Dislocation avalanches, strain bursts, and the problem of plastic forming at the micrometer scale

FF Csikor, C Motz, D Weygand, M Zaiser, S Zapperi - science, 2007 -
Under stress, many crystalline materials exhibit irreversible plastic deformation caused by
the motion of lattice dislocations. In plastically deformed microcrystals, internal dislocation …

Self-organized criticality

DL Turcotte - Reports on progress in physics, 1999 -
The concept of self-organized criticality was introduced to explain the behaviour of the
sandpile model. In this model, particles are randomly dropped onto a square grid of boxes …

[图书][B] Mechanics of materials and interfaces: The disturbed state concept

CS Desai - 2000 -
The disturbed state concept (DSC) is a unified, constitutive modelling approach for
engineering materials that allows for elastic, plastic, and creep strains, microcracking and …

The physics of paper

M Alava, K Niskanen - Reports on progress in physics, 2006 -
Paper is a material known to everybody. It has a network structure consisting of wood fibres
that can be mimicked by cooking a portion of spaghetti and pouring it on a plate, to form a …

Dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall: Avalanches, depinning transition, and the Barkhausen effect

S Zapperi, P Cizeau, G Durin, HE Stanley - Physical Review B, 1998 - APS
We study the dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall driven by an external magnetic field
through a disordered medium. The avalanchelike motion of the domain walls between …

Crackling noise in disordered materials

EKH Salje, KA Dahmen - Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys., 2014 -
Recent experimental and theoretical progress on the study of crackling noise in the plastic
deformation of crystals, ferroelastics, and porous materials is reviewed. We specifically point …

[HTML][HTML] Paths to self-organized criticality

R Dickman, MA Muñoz, A Vespignani… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2000 - SciELO Brasil
We present a pedagogical introduction to self-organized criticality (SOC), unraveling its
connections with nonequilibrium phase transitions. There are several paths from a …