Digital platforms for knowledge work (DPKW), such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr, connect clients with millions of workers for a range of knowledge work services, including …
Algorithmic management is used to govern digital work platforms such as Upwork or Fiverr. However, algorithmic decision-making is often non-transparent and rapidly evolving, forcing …
Abstract This Special Issue advances a new understanding of digital platforms as dynamic and relational. An archetypal transaction platform, we argue, is comprised of three canonical …
Jeroen Meijerink a, Mark Boons b, Anne Keegan c and Janet Marler d ahuman resource mangement research group, school of Behavioural, management and social sciences …
This article investigates why gig economy workers who see themselves as self-employed freelancers also engage in collective action traditionally associated with regular …
Digital platforms provide many workers with vital income and offer the promise of flexible work, and yet also contribute to experiences of precariousness and exploitation, particularly …
A Keegan, J Meijerink - Human Resource Management, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Given the widespread contribution of independent contractors to organizational innovation and competitive advantage, it is timely to reassess assumptions about the HRM practices …
K Vandaele - Work and labour relations in global platform …, 2021 -
This chapter explores and discusses labour agency in the platform economy in Europe. 1 The main research question is what this economy implies for the collective resistance and …
S Kirchner, E Schüßler - Theorizing the sharing economy: Variety and …, 2020 -
Critics increasingly highlight the dark sides of the sharing economy resulting from the insufficient regulation of competition, labor, or taxes in its for-profit sector. In this chapter, the …