Visual attentional orienting by eye gaze: A meta-analytic review of the gaze-cueing effect.

KT McKay, SA Grainger, SP Coundouris… - Psychological …, 2021 -
Given limitations in the amount of visual information that a person can simultaneously
process through to conscious perception, selective visual attention is necessary. Visual …

Habits and the electronic herd: The psychology behind social media's successes and failures

IA Anderson, W Wood - Consumer Psychology Review, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
If platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the engines of social media use,
what is the gasoline? The answer can be found in the psychological dynamics behind …

Comprehensively summarizing what distracts students from online learning: A literature review

C Wang - Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
As online learning becomes an indispensable component of the current education system,
students benefit from the advantages of online education. At the same time, students are …

Attentional economics links value-modulated attentional capture and decision-making

D Pearson, P Watson, L Albertella… - Nature Reviews …, 2022 -
Effective decision-making involves multiple steps to reduce a nearly limitless set of available
choices to a final selection. The attention system plays a critical early role in this process by …

Differential effects of intra-modal and cross-modal reward value on perception: ERP evidence

R Vakhrushev, FPH Cheng, A Schacht, A Pooresmaeili - Plos one, 2023 -
In natural environments objects comprise multiple features from the same or different
sensory modalities but it is not known how perception of an object is affected by the value …

Learning at variable attentional load requires cooperation of working memory, meta-learning, and attention-augmented reinforcement learning

T Womelsdorf, MR Watson, P Tiesinga - Journal of Cognitive …, 2021 -
Flexible learning of changing reward contingencies can be realized with different strategies.
A fast learning strategy involves using working memory of recently rewarded objects to …

[HTML][HTML] Social media distraction: How distracting are visual social media cues and what influences users' distractibility?

C Koessmeier, OB Büttner - Computers in Human Behavior, 2024 - Elsevier
Social media cues can distract people from working on intended tasks. Accordingly, in the
context of social media, this study examines what influences a person's distractibility …

You do it to yourself: Attentional capture by threat-signaling stimuli persists even when entirely counterproductive.

S Mikhael, P Watson, BA Anderson, ME Le Pelley - Emotion, 2021 -
Recent research has demonstrated a counterproductive attentional bias toward threat-
related stimuli: under conditions in which fixating on a color distractor stimulus sometimes …

Financial incentives and performance: A meta-analysis of economics evidence

P Cala, T Havránek, Z Havránková, J Matousek… - 2022 -
Standard economics models require that financial incentives improve performance, while
leading theories in psychology allow for the opposite. Experimental results are mixed, and …

Reward learning and statistical learning independently influence attentional priority of salient distractors in visual search

ME Le Pelley, R Ung, C Mine, SB Most… - Attention, Perception, & …, 2022 - Springer
Existing research demonstrates different ways in which attentional prioritization of salient
nontarget stimuli is shaped by prior experience: Reward learning renders signals of high …