Kompres hangat atau hidroterapi bisa menjadi salah satu pengobatan komplementer untuk penurunan nyeri asam urat. Pemanfaatan bahan herbal seperti daun kelor dapat digunakan …
Lifestyle changes that occur in society to unhealthy lifestyles are the driving force for the emergence of various diseases that can affect the body's metabolism, one of which is gout …
Pendahuluan: Penyakit asam urat (Gout Arthritis) pada lansia disebabkan oleh penumpukan kristal asam urat di persendian akibat penurunan fungsi ginjal, yang …
Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the common injuries to the knee that often occur, causing pain when doing physical activities such as squatting, running …
Background: The elderly are more likely to suffer from gout with symptoms of pain and swelling in the joints. Pain that is not handled properly can trigger a prolonged stress …
Alhamdulilah puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan karunianya dan hidayahnya, sholawat serta salam tercurahkan pada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang telah …
Inflammation is a local protective response caused by tissue damage. The emergence of heat, pain, redness, swelling, and decreased function characterises inflammatory reactions …