Abstract Recently, Probabilistic Circuits such as Sum-Product Networks have received growing attention, as they can represent complex features but still provide tractable …
Smart portable applications increasingly rely on edge computing due to privacy and latency concerns. But guaranteeing always-on functionality comes with two major challenges …
Smart portable applications increasingly rely on edge computing due to privacyand latency concerns. But guaranteeing always-on functionality comes with twomajor challenges …
Probabilistic (logic) programs are routinely compiled into arithmetic circuits. During such a compilation step, the logic representation of a probabilistic program is transformed into an …
Edge reasoning attempts to mitigate latency and privacy shortcomings of cloud computing paradigms. However, it introduces additional challenges linked to the devices' resource …
This chapter introduces a hardware-aware optimization technique for Probabilistic Circuits, a state-of-the-art deep probabilistic model that enables efficient inference and that can …
Weighted model integration (WMI) is a very appealing framework for probabilistic inference: it allows to express the complex dependencies of real-world hybrid scenarios where …