SiC-based electronics (100th anniversary of the Ioffe Institute)

AA Lebedev, PA Ivanov, ME Levinshtein… - Physics …, 2019 -
We review the history and modern state of silicon carbide and SiC-based devices. The main
techniques for growing bulk SiC crystals and epitaxial SiC films are discussed. Epitaxial SiC …

Imaging charge separation and carrier recombination in nanowire pin junctions using ultrafast microscopy

MM Gabriel, EM Grumstrup, JR Kirschbrown… - Nano …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Silicon nanowires incorporating p-type/n-type (pn) junctions have been introduced as basic
building blocks for future nanoscale electronic components. Controlling charge flow through …

" Paradoxes" of carrier lifetime measurements in high-voltage SiC diodes

ME Levinshtein, TT Mnatsakanov… - … on Electron Devices, 2001 -
For Silicon Carbide (SiC) high-voltage rectifier diodes, contradictions appear when the most
important parameter of the diodes, the minority carrier lifetime, is measured by different …

Tunneling-assisted impact ionization fronts in semiconductors

P Rodin, U Ebert, W Hundsdorfer… - Journal of applied …, 2002 -
We discuss a type of ionization front in layered semiconductor structures. The propagation is
due to the interplay of band-to-band tunneling and impact ionization. Our numerical …

[PDF][PDF] Мощные биполярные приборы на основе карбида кремния Обзор

ПА Иванов, МЕ Левинштейн… - Физика и техника …, 2005 -
В настоящее время освоение широкозонных материалов: карбида кремния SiC и
нитридов III-й группы—становится одним из главных направлений развития …

Electric currents through ion tracks in silicon devices

LD Edmonds - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1998 -
A modified form of Ohm's law, describing electric currents through ion tracks, is presented as
a tool for future theoretical modeling efforts related to charge collection from ion tracks in …

Charge collection from ion tracks in simple EPI diodes

LD Edmonds - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1997 -
Charge collection from ion tracks in epi diodes is investigated. As previously noted by
others, the collected charge can exceed the charge liberated in the epi layer. Fundamental …

Analytical and numerical studies of p+-emitters in silicon carbide bipolar devices

ME Levinshtein, TT Mnatsakanov… - Semiconductor …, 2011 -
In this paper, ways to create silicon carbide p+-emitters with high injection coefficients are
considered. Raising the emitter doping level, eliminating the deteriorated layer, and making …

Modeling semiconductor devices with position-dependent material parameters

AH Marshak - IEEE transactions on electron devices, 1989 -
An overview of the transport model describing electron and hole motion and density in solids
with position-dependent band structures is presented. This includes materials with …

Analysis of a parabolic cross-diffusion semiconductor model with electron-hole scattering

L Chen, A Jüngel - Communications in Partial Differential …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
The global-in-time existence of non-negative solutions to a parabolic strongly coupled
system with mixed Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions is shown. The system describes …