Generating and identifying functional subnetworks within structural networks

MW Reimann, MC Nolte, H Markram… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
In one aspect, a method includes generating a functional subgraph of a network from a
structural graph of the network. The structural graph comprises a set of vertices and …

Characterizing activity in a recurrent artificial neural network

H Markram, L Ran, KPH Bellwald - US Patent 11,663,478, 2023 - Google Patents
US11663478B2 - Characterizing activity in a recurrent artificial neural network - Google
Patents US11663478B2 - Characterizing activity in a recurrent artificial neural network …

Distance metrics and clustering in recurrent neural networks

H Markram, F Schürmann, FJ Delalondre… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
Distance metrics and clustering in recurrent neural networks. For example, a method
includes determining whether topological patterns of activity in a collection of topological …

Encrypting and decrypting information

K Hess, H Markram - US Patent 11,569,978, 2023 - Google Patents
US11569978B2 - Encrypting and decrypting information - Google Patents US11569978B2 -
Encrypting and decrypting information - Google Patents Encrypting and decrypting information …

Output from a recurrent neural network

H Markram, F Schürmann, FJ Delalondre… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
Application of the output from a recurrent artificial neural network to a variety of different
applications. A method can include identifying topological patterns of activity in a recurrent …

Input into a neural network

H Markram, F Schürmann, FJ Delalondre… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
Abstracting data that originates from different sensors and transducers using artificial neural
networks. A method can include identifying topological patterns of activity in a recurrent …

Interpreting and improving the processing results of recurrent neural networks

H Markram, F Schürmann, J Rahmon… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
2020-01-22 Assigned to INAIT SA reassignment INAIT SA ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS

Homomorphic encryption

H Markram, F Schuermann, K Hess… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
symmetric key encryption the same key is used for encrypting plaintext and decrypting
ciphertext. Since both the sending and receiving parties must have access to the same …

Encrypting and decrypting information

KH Bellwald, H Markram - US Patent 12,113,891, 2024 - Google Patents
Methods, systems, and devices for encrypting and decrypting data. In one implementation,
an encryption method includes inputting plaintext into a recurrent artificial neural network …

Interpreting and improving the processing results of recurrent neural networks

H Markram, F Schuermann, J Rahmon… - US Patent …, 2024 - Google Patents
A method includes defining a plurality of different windows of time in a recurrent artificial
neural network, wherein each of the different windows has different durations, has different …