Histaminuria in urticaria pigmentosa: a clinical study and review of recent literature with definition of the mastocytosis syndrome

DJ DEMIS, MD WALTON, RS HIGDON - Archives of Dermatology, 1961 - jamanetwork.com
Urticaria pigmentosa, a form of mastocytosis, is an uncommon cutaneous disease
characterized by dermal infiltration of mast cells. Clinically, the eruption consists of brownish …

Solitary mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa)

WC JOHNSON, EB HELWIG - Archives of Dermatology, 1961 - jamanetwork.com
Mastocytosis has been studied vigorously from the clinical and physiological aspects during
the past decade. This renewed interest has been due to the discovery that mastocytosis may …

Generalized flushing of the skin with urticaria pigmentosa

AR Birt, M Nickerson - AMA Archives of Dermatology, 1959 - jamanetwork.com
In 1869, Nettleship 1 described an unusual type of urticaria which bears the name urticaria
pigmentosa. For the next 80 years it was regarded as a comparatively rare skin condition …

The metabolism and functions of histamine

PP VAN ARSDEL, GN BEALL - Archives of Internal Medicine, 1960 - jamanetwork.com
Introduction Few biological agents have received more attention than histamine during the
past half-century. This simple chemical was synthesized in 1907 by Windaus and Vogt, 1 …

Flushing and increase of serum typtase after mechanical irritation of a solitary mastocytoma

C Bussmann, T Hagemann, J Hanfland, G Haidl… - European Journal of …, 2007 - jle.com
Solitary mastocytomas are infiltrates of mast cells in the upper corium, appearing at any side
of the body as brownish-reddish plaques in the first months of life. Their course is benign …

The differential diagnosis of arthritis in childhood

JC Jacobs, JC Jacobs - Pediatric Rheumatology for the Practitioner, 1993 - Springer
The differential diagnosis of arthritis is exhaustive (see table of contents; Chapter 2). The
1988 edition of the Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases, 1 prepared by a committee of the …

Die Störungen der Blutgerinnung und deren Bedeutung für die Pathogenese der cutanen Mastocytose

JJ Herzberg - Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Dermatologie, 1959 - Springer
Berichtet wurde über ein 1 3/4 Jahre altes Kind mit diffuser, cutaner Mastocytose. Neben
dem Nachweis einer klinisch latenten Hyperheparinämie—Verschiebung des …

Changing concepts concerning mastocytosis

EL Bigelow - The Journal of Pediatrics, 1961 - Elsevier
The majority of papers dealing with urticaria pigmentosa in the past few years have
emphasized the concept that the skin lesion is but one manifestation of a systemic reticulosis …

Mastocytosis. Report of a case in a 15 and one-half-week-old infant with cutaneous and generalized skeletal changes.

AR Cole - Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1965 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The evolution of medicine has seen the concept of urticaria pigmentosa, as first described
nearly 100 years ago by Nettleship (1869), expand to a wide spectrum of disease extending …

Gewebsmastzellen und Mastzellen-Reticulose: Funktionelle Zytologie und Klinik

D Remy - Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde, 1962 - Springer
Als im Jahre 1877 der damals 23jährige Medizinstudent Paul Ehrlich aus einer Gruppe von
seinem Lehrer Waldeyer (1875) beschriebener Plasmazellen einen granulierten Zelltyp …