QH Nguyen, F Dressler - Computer Communications, 2020 - Elsevier
Computation offloading has emerged as one of the promising approaches to address the issues of restricted resources, leading to poor user experiences on smartphones in terms of …
Z Lai, YC Hu, Y Cui, L Sun, N Dai - Proceedings of the 23rd Annual …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we perform a systematic design study of the" elephant in the room" facing the VR industry--is it feasible to enable high-quality VR apps on untethered mobile devices such …
The limited battery life of modern smartphones remains a leading factor adversely affecting the mobile experience of millions of smartphone users. In order to extend battery life, it is …
Smart cities take advantage of recent Information and Communication Technology (ICT) developments to provide added value to existing public services and improve quality of life …
WiFi is emerging as the preferred connectivity solution for mobile clients because of its low power consumption and high capacity. Dense urban WiFi deployments cover entire central …
This paper provides an in-depth understanding of the per-frame energy consumption behavior in 802.11 wireless LAN devices. Extensive measurements are performed for seven …
R Liu, N Choi - Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents a first-of-its-kind performance measurement of Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11 ax) using real experiments. Our experiments focus on multi-client scenarios. The results reveal …
This paper is first of its kind in presenting a detailed characterization of IEEE 802.11 ac using real experiments. 802.11 ac is the latest WLAN standard that is rapidly being adapted due to …
Wireless data transmission consumes a significant part of the overall energy consumption of smartphones, due to the popularity of Internet applications. In this paper, we investigate the …