Riconv++: Effective rotation invariant convolutions for 3d point clouds deep learning

Z Zhang, BS Hua, SK Yeung - International Journal of Computer Vision, 2022 - Springer
Abstract 3D point clouds deep learning is a promising field of research that allows a neural
network to learn features of point clouds directly, making it a robust tool for solving 3D scene …

RISurConv: Rotation Invariant Surface Attention-Augmented Convolutions for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation

Z Zhang, L Yang, Z Xiang - European Conference on Computer Vision, 2025 - Springer
Despite the progress on 3D point cloud deep learning, most prior works focus on learning
features that are invariant to translation and point permutation, and very limited efforts have …

Rotation-equivariant quaternion neural networks for 3d point cloud processing

W Shen, Z Wei, Q Ren, B Zhang… - … on Pattern Analysis …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This study proposes a set of generic rules to revise existing neural networks for 3D point
cloud processing to rotation-equivariant quaternion neural networks (REQNNs), in order to …

Moving frame net: SE (3)-equivariant network for volumes

M Sangalli, S Blusseau… - … on Symmetry and …, 2023 - proceedings.mlr.press
Equivariance of neural networks to transformations helps to improve their performance and
reduce generalization error in computer vision tasks, as they apply to datasets presenting …

General nonlinearities in so (2)-equivariant cnns

D Franzen, M Wand - Advances in neural information …, 2021 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Invariance under symmetry is an important problem in machine learning. Our paper looks
specifically at equivariant neural networks where transformations of inputs yield …

Rethinking rotation invariance with point cloud registration

J Yu, C Zhang, W Cai - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2023 - ojs.aaai.org
Recent investigations on rotation invariance for 3D point clouds have been devoted to
devising rotation-invariant feature descriptors or learning canonical spaces where objects …

Rotation-invariant completion network

Y Chen, P Shi - Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and …, 2023 - Springer
Real-world point clouds usually suffer from incompleteness and display different poses.
While current point cloud completion methods excel in reproducing complete point clouds …

Robust Sim2Real 3D object classification using graph representations and a deep center voting scheme

JB Weibel, T Patten, M Vincze - IEEE Robotics and Automation …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
While object semantic understanding is essential for service robotic tasks, 3D object
classification is still an open problem. Learning from artificial 3D models alleviates the cost …

Sim2real 3d object classification using spherical kernel point convolution and a deep center voting scheme

JB Weibel, T Patten, M Vincze - arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.06134, 2021 - arxiv.org
While object semantic understanding is essential for most service robotic tasks, 3D object
classification is still an open problem. Learning from artificial 3D models alleviates the cost …

Tsi-Gcn: Translation and Scaling Invariant Gcn for 3d Point Cloud Analysis

Z Du, J Liang, K Yao, F Cao - Available at SSRN 4949329, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
Point cloud is a crucial data format for 3D vision, but its irregularity makes it challenging to
comprehend the associated geometric information. Although some previous research has …