Resolving the long‐standing puzzles about the observed Secchi depth relationships

Z Lee, S Shang, K Du, J Wei - Limnology and Oceanography, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Various empirical relationships have been developed in the past nine decades to link the
Secchi‐disk depth (ZSD) with the diffuse attenuation coefficient (KPAR), the euphotic zone …

Predicting the light attenuation coefficient through Secchi disk depth and beam attenuation coefficient in a large, shallow, freshwater lake

Y Zhang, X Liu, Y Yin, M Wang, B Qin - Hydrobiologia, 2012 - Springer
The diffuse attenuation coefficient of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)(400–700
nm)(K d (PAR)) is one of the most important optical properties of water. Our purpose was to …

MODIS-based mapping of Secchi disk depth using a qualitative algorithm in the shallow Arabian Gulf

MR Al Kaabi, J Zhao, H Ghedira - Remote Sensing, 2016 -
Regionally calibrated algorithms for water quality are strongly needed, especially for
optically complex waters such as coastal areas in the Arabian Gulf. In this study, a regional …

[PDF][PDF] Retrospective assessment of macrophytic communities in southern Lake Garda (Italy) from in situ and MIVIS

M Bresciani, R Bolpagni, A Oggioni, C Giardino - J. Limnol, 2012 -
In situ and hyperspectral MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer)
images acquired over a period of 13 years are used to assess changes in macrophyte …

Pre-classification improves relationships between water clarity, light attenuation, and suspended particulates in turbid inland waters

J Liu, D Sun, Y Zhang, Y Li - Hydrobiologia, 2013 - Springer
Relationships between water clarity, light attenuation, and concentration of suspended
particulates are important in water optics and remote sensing, but are not well described yet …

Effective upwelling irradiance depths in turbid waters: A spectral analysis of origins and fate

R Ma, G Jiang, H Duan, L Bracchini, S Loiselle - Optics Express, 2011 -
The spectral distribution of upwelling and downwelling irradiance were used to estimate the
effective upwelling irradiance depth as well as examine the angular distribution of the …

Physics of diurnal warm layers: Turbulence, internal waves, and lateral mixing

AS Bogdanoff - 2017 -
The daily heating of the ocean by the sun can create a stably stratified near-surface layer
when the winds are slight and solar insolation is strong. This type of shallow stable layer is …

Chain of eutrophication models for assessing the potential impact of nutrient enrichment on Choctawhatchee Bay, FL, USA

MV Hoyer, JB Terrell, DE Canfield Jr - Florida Scientist, 2015 - JSTOR
Coastal eutrophication is a worldwide environmental concern, but especially so in Florida
where there remains an inability to predict possible impacts on the chemical, physical, and …

Remote sensing for the study of ecohydrology in East African Rift lakes

EJ Tebbs - 2014 -
This thesis investigates remote sensing as a tool for monitoring the ecohydological
sustainability of alkaline-saline lakes in the East African Rift Valley, of critical importance to …

[HTML][HTML] Cuantificación de los componentes que afectan el coeficiente de atenuación vertical para irradiancia descendente en el embalse Riogrande II (Colombia)

JJ Ramírez, MC Arcila, SC Sepúlveda - Revista de La Academia …, 2015 -
Con el fin de determinar cuál es el componente que más contribuye a la atenuación vertical
de la irradiancia descendente-{Kd (PAR)}-en el embalse Ríogrande II, se usó un modelo de …