Linking across data granularity: Fitting multivariate Hawkes processes to partially interval-censored data

P Calderon, A Soen, MA Rizoiu - arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.02062, 2021 -
The multivariate Hawkes process (MHP) is widely used for analyzing data streams that
interact with each other, where events generate new events within their own dimension (via …

A parameter estimation method for multivariate aggregated hawkes processes

L Shlomovich, EAK Cohen, N Adams - arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.12357, 2021 -
It is often assumed that events cannot occur simultaneously when modelling data with point
processes. This raises a problem as real-world data often contains synchronous …

Some perspectives on inference in high dimensions

HS Battey, DR Cox - Statistical Science, 2022 -
With very large amounts of data, important aspects of statistical analysis may appear largely
descriptive in that the role of probability sometimes seems limited or totally absent. The main …