Kisah-kisah dalam Al-qur'an Perspektif Pendidikan Islam

H Humaedah - Jurnal PAI Raden Fatah, 2021 -
Al-Quran in the holy book as well as a guide for life in the world for muslims. There are so
many exclamations in the verses of the koran that contain educational values, one of which …

Upaya Guru dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Peduli Sosial Peserta Didik SD Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

RW Muharani, YM Saputra, DA Karlina - Jurnal Pena Ilmiah -
The study was based on concerns about the loss of social character in learners during the
Covid-19 pandemic conditions. The character of social care is a character attitude that must …

Analisis Kedisiplinan dan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa selama Pembelajaran Daring

DR Ayu, D Kurnia, DA Karlina - Jurnal Pena Ilmiah -
This research is motivated by government policies in the world of education, namely
implementing an online learning system. This study aims to find out how the discipline and …

Studi Keterbacaan dan Nilai Karakter pada Buku Siswa Kelas IV SD (Edisi Revisi 2017) Kurikulum 2013

FA Permataningrum, PD Iswara, DA Karlina - Jurnal Pena Ilmiah -
The readability and value of the character are important factors of the preparation of
teaching materials. The method used is a qualitative method with a documentation study …

Analisis Kualitas Kelayakan Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 Di Semester Genap Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

THN Rahman, PD Iswara, DA Karlina - Jurnal Pena Ilmiah -
Teaching materials or textbooks have a significant role in a learning activity. This study
focuses on integrated thematic books for class III by used qualitative descriptive methods to …