How does the government decide what'sa problem and what isn't? And what are the consequences of that process? Like individuals, Congress is subject to the “paradox of …
Updated analysis of how the increasing polarization of American politics has been accompanied and accelerated by greater income inequality. The idea of America as …
As recently as the early 1970s, the news media was one of the most respected institutions in the United States. Yet by the 1990s, this trust had all but evaporated. Why has confidence in …
In life, delegation is fundamental. But it is difficult, especially when attempted internationally, as in the long delegation chains to the United Nations family and other global governance …
When engaging with other countries, the US government has a number of different policy instruments at its disposal, including foreign aid, international trade, and the use of military …
Since the early 1960s, scholarly thinking on the power of US presidents has rested on these words:" Presidential power is the power to persuade." Power, in this formulation, is strictly …
Who Leads Whom? is an ambitious study that addresses some of the most important questions in contemporary American politics: Do presidents pander to public opinion by …
Scholarship on distributive politics focuses almost exclusively on the internal operations of Congress, paying particular attention to committees and majority parties. This article …
Economic development requires secure contract enforcement and stable property rights. Normal majority-rule politics, such as bargaining over distributive and monetary policies …