[图书][B] The architecture of the child mind: g, Fs, and the hierarchical model of intelligence

MH Bornstein, DL Putnick - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
What exactly does it mean to be intelligent? Does intelligence manifest itself in one way or in
different ways in children? Do children fit any preconceived notions of intelligence? Some …

Conversationally and monologically-produced narratives: A complex story of horizontal décalages

E Veneziano - Psychology of Language and Communication, 2019 - sciendo.com
Theory-of-mind-related abilities present a long development characterized by both vertical
and horizontal décalages. A vertical type of décalage can be seen in children's abilities to …

Promoting narrative skills in 5-to 8-year-old French-speaking children: The effects of a short conversational intervention

E Veneziano, MT Le Normand, MH Plumet… - First …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Previous studies of narrative development based on wordless picture stories indicate that
before 7–8 years most children provide descriptive narratives with little inferential content …

Acquisition Specifics of Genre Repertoire of Personal Discourse in 4-6-Year-Old Children with Developmental Language Disorder and Typically Developing Peers

AN Kornev, I Balčiūnienė… - RUDN Journal of …, 2023 - journals.rudn.ru
The first holophrases of a child's speech mark the beginning of the development of oral
discourse. Various typologies of genres fall mainly into two groups: those that are based on …

Individual differences in the effectiveness of a narrative-promoting intervention: Relation with executive function skills

E Veneziano, E Bartoli - First Language, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This work is based on previous studies showing that a short conversational intervention
(SCI) focusing on the causes of the story events is effective in promoting the causal and …

[HTML][HTML] Особенности овладения жанровым репертуаром устного дискурса у детей 4–6 лет с первичным недоразвитием речи и их сверстников с нормой …

АН Корнев, Б Ингрида… - … дружбы народов. Серия …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Уже первые голофразы, которые ребенок использует в коммуникации, знаменуют
начало освоения устного дискурса. Многообразные типологии жанров укладываются в …

Tổng quan nghiên cứu về kĩ năng tường thuật và sự phát triển kĩ năng tường thuật của trẻ mầm non

KA Vũ - Tạp chí Giáo dục, 2024 - tcgd.tapchigiaoduc.edu.vn
Tóm tắt Narrative skills have a profound impact on children's lives and overall development
journey, and are a means to help children express their thoughts, feelings and opinions to …

Phương pháp giáo dục kĩ năng tường thuật cho trẻ 5-6 tuổi qua hoạt động khám phá khoa học ở trường mầm non

KA Vũ, TMT Hà - Tạp chí Giáo dục, 2024 - tcgd.tapchigiaoduc.edu.vn
Tóm tắt Narrative skills have a huge impact on children's development, helping them share
ideas, recount experiences, explain events or construct imaginative stories and engage in …

[PDF][PDF] Individual differences in the effectiveness of a narrative-promoting intervention: Relation with Executive Function skills

EV andEleonora Bartoli - researchgate.net
Intervention (SCI) focusing on the causes of the story events is effective in promoting the
causal and mental content of children's narratives. In these studies, however, not all the …


KE Nelson - inpact-psychologyconference.org
This paper demonstrates how Dynamic Systems Theory (DST) can generate powerful
educational interventions. Our multiple well-controlled studies include typically-developing …