[图书][B] Planning theory

P Allmendinger - 2017 - books.google.com
In the 3rd edition of the leading introductory textbook to planning theory, Allmendinger
provides a wide-ranging and up-to-date analysis of planning theories, how these relate to …

[HTML][HTML] Widespread Urban Regeneration of Existing Residential Areas in European Medium-Sized Cities—A Framework to Locate Redevelopment Interventions

M Carra, B Caselli, S Rossetti, M Zazzi - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
Within the scientific debate on urban regeneration, this paper intends to question possible
planning techniques to address the implementation of widespread regeneration …

Raccontare Milano: politiche, progetti, immaginari

G Pasqui - 2018 - torrossa.com
Milano è una città speciale. Raccontare le sue trasformazioni economiche, sociali e
territoriali e le sue vicende urbanistiche significa riconoscere che l'immagine della città è …

Urban renewal and public participation in Sydney: Unpacking social media strategies and use for contesting consensus

W Williamson, K Ruming - Urban Policy and Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores how the politics of contestation and resistance attempted to influence a
government initiated urban renewal project. The declaration of the site as state significant …

Between conflict and consensus: Searching for an ethical compromise in planning

JKH Chan, JP Protzen - Planning Theory, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
To resolve conflicts and disagreements in planning, a compromise is often necessary.
Where immediate consensus is unlikely and where antagonistic conflicts can lead to worse …

Rigenerazione urbana e periferie, guardando Torino. Contraddittorietà e frammentazione

S Saccomani - Archivio di studi urbani e regionali, 2019 - francoangeli.it
Alcune definizioni di periferia, un excursus su un pezzo di periferia torinese; qualche
osservazione sui cambiamenti nei processi partecipativi e sulla natura dei conflitti sociali; …

New workspaces in Milan and Berlin: Coworking spaces between defensive strategies and transformative potential

C Pacchi - The Production of Alternative Urban Spaces, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter aims to investigate the transformative and alternative potential of spaces
through empirical research in Milan and Berlin. Looking at the use of space, Berlin has a …


JKH Chan, JKH Chan - Urban Ethics in the Anthropocene: The Moral …, 2019 - Springer
Conflicts are ubiquitous in cities. Contemporary urban conflicts have been noted for their
radical discontent. In the city, many of these conflicts are also spatial in nature and can …

El programa Piazze Aperte y la práctica del urbanismo táctico institucional en Milán

AJ Salvador - 2023 - uvadoc.uva.es
El urbanismo táctico emergió en la última década como un mecanismo de generación de
espacio público desde abajo, subversivo y espontáneo. Esta práctica fue rápidamente …

Social media in the planning and conflict: the case of ForBALI movement against Benoa Bay reclamation plan

AT Nugraha - 2019 - frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl
In the current digital society, social media plays a significant role in the practice of
contemporary urban social movement. The power of social media which can penetrate …