The extractivism of Dimorphandra mollis Benth., which is a native tree from the Brazilian Cerrado biome, popularly known as fava d'anta, combined with the reduction in native …
AP dos Santos, ACP Nunes, MSPB Garuzzo… - Annals of Forest …, 2022 -
Over the years, the Atlantic Forest has been one of the biomes most affected by fragmentation and despite the scarcity of studies related to their genetic and breeding …
Genetic and phenotypic parameters of fork (BIF), stem form (RET) and diameter at breast height (DBH) for Dipteryx alata provenances and progenies were assessed. The trial was …
For the realization of forest restoration projects, it is essential to produce native seedlings in quantity, also necessary that they present greater vegetative vigor and good nutritional …
Dipteryx alata Vog. presents an excellent economic potential because of its multiple uses. However, it is currently threatened as a result of the degradation of the biome in which it …
Estudos genéticos com espécies nativas têm contribuído de forma significativa para a conservação genética ex situ e a restauração ecológica de ambientes perturbados. O …
HSF Andrade, GR Baroni, PHS Brancalion… - Scientia …, 2020 -
A espécie arbórea Dipteryx alata Vogel, conhecida como baru, ocorre no naturalmente no Cerrado. Sua madeira é valorizada em serrarias e os frutos possuem castanhas que são …
É Bogéa, RG dos Santos, MVV Ramos… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Human actions over Cerrado biomes have been causing decline of several natural species. To assist in strategies that can mitigate the deterioration of biodiversity, it is necessary to …
AF Bellei¹, M Shibata, MP Junior¹… - Iheringia, Série …, 2022 -
Objetivou-se caracterizar os aspectos morfométricos dos frutos, das sementes e o desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Mimosa scabrella, identificando a normalidade e …