Effects of small-sided games on technical-tactical actions and physical performance in handball: a systematic review

C Dechechi, R Aquino, R Monezes, EF Puggina - Human Movement, 2023 - termedia.pl
Purpose. This systematic review aimed to investigate the acute and chronic effects of the
task constraints of small-sided games on technical-tactical, physical, and physiological …

Individual psychological characteristics of under-17 football players in Indonesia and Malaysia: sport psychology approach

A Akbar, E Purnomo, GR Mahayunan… - … en educación física …, 2024 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El fútbol es complejo porque involucra aspectos físicos, competencia técnica, capacidad de
comprensión de tácticas y condiciones psicológicas. Este estudio se centra en explorar las …

Efectos de una sesión de juegos reducidos basados en balonmano sobre la atención selectiva, sostenida y amplitud atencional en una muestra de adultos jóvenes

RE Reigal, R Enríquez-Molina… - … de Psicología del …, 2023 - revistas.um.es
Estudios previos han puesto de relieve los efectos crónicos y agudos que el ejercicio físico
tiene sobre el funcionamiento cognitivo. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir profundizando …

Effect of small sided game duration with floater player on internal and external load of female handball players

J Belka, K Hulka, V Riedel, M Safar - Polish Journal of Sport and …, 2021 - sciendo.com
Introduction. The present study deals with the effect of the duration of small-sided games
(SSGs) with a floater player on the external (covered distance) and internal (heart rate) load …

Quantifying internal workload during training drills in handball players: comparison between heart rate and perceived exertion based methods

G Ravier - Movement & Sport Sciences-Science & Motricité, 2022 - shs.cairn.info
Arcos, AL, Yanci, J., Mendiguchia, J., & Gorostiaga, EM (2014). Rating of muscular and
respiratory perceived exertion in professional soccer players. Journal of Strength and …

Small-Sided Games in Handball: A Narrative Review

FM Clemente - Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2022 - journals.lww.com
Small-sided games (SSGs) are widely used drill-based games that mimic the dynamics of a
match while allowing coaches to tailor specific objectives, such as inducing …

The factor structure of the preparedness of handball players of different qualifications

Z Kozina, V Zubko - Health-saving technologies, rehabilitation and …, 2021 - htj1.com
Purpose: to determine and compare the factor structure of training of handball players-
masters of sports and first-graders. Results. In this work the parameters of the structure of …

Ефекти различитих експерименталних програма на моторичке способности и морфолошке карактеристике младих спортисткиња

MV Jurišić - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Циљ истраживања био је да се установе ефекти различитих експерименталних
програма на моторичке способности и морфолошке карактеристике младих …

Efecto de los Small-Sided Games en el rendimiento físico del tren inferior en jugadores jóvenes de balonmano

A Torrijos Tormo - dspace.umh.es
El balonmano es un deporte colectivo dinámico donde dos equipos de siete jugadores
buscan marcar goles en la portería rival. Este deporte de contacto involucra acciones …

Influências e relações entre as ações nos jogos reduzidos no handebol

CJ Dechechi - 2021 - teses.usp.br
Os jogos reduzidos (JR) são empregados como meios de treino nos esportes coletivos. No
início, seus objetivos tangenciavam desenvolvimentos de ordem técnica e tática, como …