Automatic kernel weighting for multikernel adaptive filtering: Multiscale aspects

K Jeong, M Yukawas - ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International …, 2019 -
This paper presents an automatic kernel weighting technique for multikernel adaptive
filtering. The full potential of the multikernel adaptive filtering approach can only be achieved …

Development of a Micro-Manipulator for Bio-Targets Using Micro Flows

JC Pelletier, H Aoyama, Y Irie, C Kanamori… - Journal of Robotics and …, 2018 -
In the field of bio-engineering, there is a need for a specialized manipulator that protect
targets from hard physical contact. The solution proposed in this paper is a system that …

[PDF][PDF] Micro Manipulation by Multiple Flows

JC Pelletier - 2019 -
Humans are being challenged by a Micro World that is everywhere around them but they
cannot perceive or apprehend. Unable to see components smaller than 50µm (thickness of …