What determines effort intensity in instrumental behavior? According to motivation intensity theory, effort should be proportional to experienced task difficulty as long as success is …
We investigated how people high (vs. low) in the Need for Cognitive Closure (NFC) experience working on divergent and convergent thinking tasks. Based on the notion of …
The present research examined the role of heightened perceived control as a strategy to cope with uncertainty in need for closure (NFC). We assume that in the situation of …
Underworking (ie shirking) and overworking of employees can have detrimental effects for the individual and the organisation. We develop a computational model to investigate how …
Work on physiological and other behavioral correlates of motives often assumes that motives exert a direct effect on behavior once activated. Motivational intensity theory …
In three studies, we examined the role task rules play in multitasking performance. We postulated that rules should be especially important for individuals highly motivated to have …
A study with young and older adults (N= 91) investigated the effect of self-involvement on stereotyping tendency and effort mobilization. We hypothesized that the impact of self …
According to the principle of energy-conservation principle, effort investment is usually reduced in situations that are perceived as uncontrollable. This is because when success is …
This unique book lays out the motivational basis for tolerance, the most important underlying factor that shapes people's social attitudes and determines our ability to get along with …